The encapsulated destiny dropped for my main and I used it, then got another so used it but haven't seen it again in the next 5 rifts including doing the Fringe daily. Weirder still, my warrior has the buff and it's remained on for a couple of days now and he's getting a transmog drop each rift kill.
Classic is where the fun is. Unless blizzard do a full HARD RESET of retail. And reorganize the story . The leveling experience..everything. I'll stay in classic. I played all bc wrath pandaland and raided heroic throne of thunder.. but ever has changed .it's too hard now. I will never do mythic. And I couldn't care less
The number go up brain parasite has taken over this channel so completely that they're trying to arrange the deck chairs on the titanic. The problem isn't that the time/reward ratio for intermittent feedback is off by a small margin. The problem is that the games setting gets worse with every cinematic, nothing the player does seems to have any 'real' effect on the universe, and Blizzard would rather re-work raid structure and party finder UI's a thousand times before implementing a single social feature.
Guys, I know you're running a business, and you need to produce videos on new content, but this stuff seems really really dry and not entertaining, even for WoW players.
The current game system and the catch-up systems seems so convoluted, it seems like there would be some good content there to discuss the pros and cons of how they have the systems designed, especially since they now have a history of convoluted catch-up systems.
And yes, I know you talked about the system in this video, but you didn't elaborate on the point I just made about the convoluted nature of them and if the alternative and better ways of doing it, in the history of them doing it in a convoluted way.
I'd be okay if they wanted to keep Dragonflight going for a full 10.3.x cycle. Or even more than that. This is a really good expansion. Might as well keep a good thing going.
I though after Legion we will be heading in to the light vs void conflict but it like wow lost its way narratively speaking. The time travel stuf is just stupid, sorry but it is. It doesn't make sense because of all the paradoxically nature of it but who would give time travel powers to a entire race of dragons who have no idea about what they are doing the Titans are either insane or stupid.
Probably the biggest problem with retail WOW is the endgame model is extremely repetitive and boring, so it's hard to stay interested in running M+ all the time or doing the same raid every week for X amount of months. FF14's had this problem too with Endwalker, way too much of a content drought in that game and you know you're going to be stuck doing it for about 4.5 months. They need to do a massive dungeon patch in that game, so there are like 6 dungeons for the top roulette, but that isn't WOW. So getting back to WOW, I really think they need to completely rethink their endgame. M+ grinding has the extra tedium of having to use group finder to join it, when at this point it really is another anonymous queue activity otherwise. IMO to fix WOW, they should take a few ideas from FF14. Mythic 0 should be a thing you can queue for, and the lockout on it should be when you get an item from a boss, not a weekly lockout. That gives people something to do that's sort of challenging but not too difficult, and it isn't timed. They definitely need to do a timewalking raid rotation every week, so one of the bigger raids from previous expansions gets scaled up and people can run that in addition to the current raid tier. Alas, this is Blizzard, so instead they'll keep releasing a crappy daily quest zone with rare mobs, or invasions in current expansion zones, and all the other same old things that have been done to death for years now.
Downtime in rifts kills the flow, should be every 30min at the least. Also it sucks for alt gear, the tokens barely drop. Right now its just nice to do for cosmetics, but because its only once an hour it feels ugh.
not a fan of grindfests but ZC was not even mid. remember sl korthia where you guys complained ? i don't want a rare grindfest i want good fun gameplay
One of the biggest issues I have with D4 is that they have broken that flow. Helltides and Legions are on lengthy timers with a lot of downtime in between. I cannot just grind them as I am used to from other diablo games or arpgs.
As soon as WoW catered to mythic raiders and try hard Andy’s, it lost its appeal to the average Joe. If average Joe knows he will never be able to get invited into a mythic raid group without paying gold, why would he ever care trying to progress his character when he knows the cap is unachievable due to either his skill, time or enjoyment of the content.
This is why in van, TBC and even wrath, had a progression system with loot gating. It’ was the world. Dungeon, heroics, 10 man then 25. If you couldn’t raid 25 ten was more than enough. Actually I always wished that they would just do ten mans because they balanced better and 10 -just needed the 10 and it didn’t matter as long as you had 2 healers. 2 tanks, dps and something like a shaman or shadow priest for your group and the buffs.
did they Killed wow with 10.1.5
bosses die in 15sec or less
The encapsulated destiny dropped for my main and I used it, then got another so used it but haven't seen it again in the next 5 rifts including doing the Fringe daily. Weirder still, my warrior has the buff and it's remained on for a couple of days now and he's getting a transmog drop each rift kill.
Classic is where the fun is. Unless blizzard do a full HARD RESET of retail. And reorganize the story . The leveling experience..everything. I'll stay in classic. I played all bc wrath pandaland and raided heroic throne of thunder.. but ever has changed .it's too hard now. I will never do mythic. And I couldn't care less
The number go up brain parasite has taken over this channel so completely that they're trying to arrange the deck chairs on the titanic. The problem isn't that the time/reward ratio for intermittent feedback is off by a small margin. The problem is that the games setting gets worse with every cinematic, nothing the player does seems to have any 'real' effect on the universe, and Blizzard would rather re-work raid structure and party finder UI's a thousand times before implementing a single social feature.
Guys, I know you're running a business, and you need to produce videos on new content, but this stuff seems really really dry and not entertaining, even for WoW players.
The current game system and the catch-up systems seems so convoluted, it seems like there would be some good content there to discuss the pros and cons of how they have the systems designed, especially since they now have a history of convoluted catch-up systems.
And yes, I know you talked about the system in this video, but you didn't elaborate on the point I just made about the convoluted nature of them and if the alternative and better ways of doing it, in the history of them doing it in a convoluted way.
You can only 'straddle the fence' for so long.
I'd be okay if they wanted to keep Dragonflight going for a full 10.3.x cycle. Or even more than that. This is a really good expansion. Might as well keep a good thing going.
The gear was upped to champion level on the vendor for the rifts.
I though after Legion we will be heading in to the light vs void conflict but it like wow lost its way narratively speaking. The time travel stuf is just stupid, sorry but it is. It doesn't make sense because of all the paradoxically nature of it but who would give time travel powers to a entire race of dragons who have no idea about what they are doing the Titans are either insane or stupid.
Probably the biggest problem with retail WOW is the endgame model is extremely repetitive and boring, so it's hard to stay interested in running M+ all the time or doing the same raid every week for X amount of months. FF14's had this problem too with Endwalker, way too much of a content drought in that game and you know you're going to be stuck doing it for about 4.5 months. They need to do a massive dungeon patch in that game, so there are like 6 dungeons for the top roulette, but that isn't WOW.
So getting back to WOW, I really think they need to completely rethink their endgame. M+ grinding has the extra tedium of having to use group finder to join it, when at this point it really is another anonymous queue activity otherwise.
IMO to fix WOW, they should take a few ideas from FF14. Mythic 0 should be a thing you can queue for, and the lockout on it should be when you get an item from a boss, not a weekly lockout. That gives people something to do that's sort of challenging but not too difficult, and it isn't timed. They definitely need to do a timewalking raid rotation every week, so one of the bigger raids from previous expansions gets scaled up and people can run that in addition to the current raid tier.
Alas, this is Blizzard, so instead they'll keep releasing a crappy daily quest zone with rare mobs, or invasions in current expansion zones, and all the other same old things that have been done to death for years now.
Time rifts are perfect.. take 7 mins and I’m done with collectibles..
Zaralek was never the unplayable lagfest that Time Rifts are. I stopped even trying for the time being.
Downtime in rifts kills the flow, should be every 30min at the least. Also it sucks for alt gear, the tokens barely drop. Right now its just nice to do for cosmetics, but because its only once an hour it feels ugh.
As once Asmon said, " it needs a reset or realm reborn" and " Give us big hairy sweaty men"
Can confirm you actually do get duplicates at least if it's non appearances, pets, mounts anyways. I have gotten the same staff 4 times so far.
not a fan of grindfests but ZC was not even mid. remember sl korthia where you guys complained ? i don't want a rare grindfest i want good fun gameplay
I don’t think we’ll see them return to full cycles again. It’s going to change, especially with this new era of Blizzard.
One of the biggest issues I have with D4 is that they have broken that flow. Helltides and Legions are on lengthy timers with a lot of downtime in between. I cannot just grind them as I am used to from other diablo games or arpgs.
It's just sprinkles on a shit-cake. We need something new and different. We're probably as tired of this game as they are of making it.
The problem coming in later is that, none of the post levelling campaign are actually listed in the quest log in order except the current one
As soon as WoW catered to mythic raiders and try hard Andy’s, it lost its appeal to the average Joe. If average Joe knows he will never be able to get invited into a mythic raid group without paying gold, why would he ever care trying to progress his character when he knows the cap is unachievable due to either his skill, time or enjoyment of the content.
I ran a rift last night on my Pally and in the reward I got 2 of the awesome trinkets in one run
I bought the rifle then the rifle dropped
Another clickbait title. BARELY talks about next year of WoW
I really hate listening to Matt…
This is why in van, TBC and even wrath, had a progression system with loot gating. It’ was the world. Dungeon, heroics, 10 man then 25. If you couldn’t raid 25 ten was more than enough. Actually I always wished that they would just do ten mans because they balanced better and 10 -just needed the 10 and it didn’t matter as long as you had 2 healers. 2 tanks, dps and something like a shaman or shadow priest for your group and the buffs.