10-50 In Under 6 HOURS! Shadowlands Pre-Patch Leveling Guide: Faster Than EVER Before!

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Levelling to 50 in 9.0 is FAST – here’s how I managed it in one comfy evening.

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0:00 Intro
2:16 Levelling Changes
5:04 Heirloom Changes
7:48 Warmode
8:56 The Basics of Going Fast
9:54 Tryhard Speed Levelling
13:09 Route Efficiency
18:54 The Run That Didn’t Go So Well


39 thoughts on “10-50 In Under 6 HOURS! Shadowlands Pre-Patch Leveling Guide: Faster Than EVER Before!”

  1. The AOE burst on kills for having heirlooms is going to make murloc farming in elwynn on war mode pretty damn amazing for xp, the kill rate is faster so their spawn is faster

  2. I hate it, what's the point. They might aswell just remove xp from the game.
    I was ready for the epic questing journey accross the game world with a level 1 Vulpera. Game starts me at level 10 and I hit max cap in less than 1 sitting.
    I want the option to play like I always have. I level characters, that was my game.

  3. Watching this after pre patch has started i really wonder how blizzard balanced the leveling where I’m seeing people go through frost for ridge on draenor being level 32 from 10 when they started which is weird cause I went into draenor already at lv 34 on my mage and was all the way to nagrand before I hit max which makes me appreciate how they scaled it and have people actually finish the story they’re doing before they go in

  4. Hey.
    I did some testing to see how long it takes, im a faster quester, and i quite enjoy guesting.
    I leveled a shadow priest 0-50 in 15hours and 45 min, log out for afk.
    I used 0 xp buffs. as horde
    I followed app, to the point.
    So it is worth it taking the buff if it is possible.
    Otherwise it will take you double as long to get to 0-50.
    However if you dont want to speedrun and see more of the zones you are leveling in, skip them 🙂

    Ps. I also did not go into dungeons

  5. Will have to try these tips today because my lvling attempt so far has been abysmal. I hate it and I miss hust farming dungeons mindlessly so I hope your advice will change that.

  6. I mean it's cool they have made it faster.. But… Most of us have leveled everything.. a few times for some.. These expansions need new classes for every xpan instead of just shitty allied races that I will happily spend 20 bucks to race change to instead of leveling a new char as them..


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