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One of the best in-game cutscenes in shadowlands that deserved its own cinematic IMO, so I just made one. Hope you guys like it!
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#Garrosh #Shadowlands #ChainsOfDomination #WorldofWarcraft
Dude, the cutscene just came out like last week, and this person put out a A+ quality material, insane.
A fan making a better cinematic, shame on u Blizzard.
Amazing job, thank you so much!!!
This is fucking awesome and what Garrosh deserved.
Seriously, we might get more cutscenes with these ingame cutscenes but we had tons of cinematics back in WoD which was awesome
They did our guy dirty. Garrosh has been a memorable character since TBC and has been so important in Pandaria/WoD but they couldn't give two shits about him in Shadowlands for his minute of glory.
Kinda wish a reskinned/shadowlands themed Gorehowl would have dropped from this
Better in some places, worse in others.
the zoom ins on his face really did it for me in the original
Even garrosh deleted himself from that mess of writing, but went with style
Unpopular opinion: Original was more fitting/better for what it was. Doing this as a cinematic didn't add much besides mouthing animations and some quick camera movements. Spacing between them felt off too. No hate, just observation and opinion.
Bro this is at least 10x better than the original
gods work friend. thank you for Garrosh salute
>show up
>apologize for nothing
>be in-character
A chad amongst chads
My god what a flex on blizzard this is
Jesus, Blizzard should be embarrassed.
I just love how Garrosh literally just ANGRY's his way out of the chains.
OMG thank you for doing this scene justice!!
when passion over something is applyit. why you not work at blizzard ? oh i forgot. they dont have passion anymore.
How to embarrass a multimillion company in less than a minute: the video
wait was this the only reason for garrosh being in shadowlands? just to get a 30sec "cinematic" ?
dude legit you made a better version wtf.
that moment when wow fans do better job than blizzard themselves… how the mighty have fallen indeed
I'd actually have hope for Blizzard if this was the actual cutscene.
A solo guy makes 10x better cinematic than Blizzard multibilion company…? Just imagine this in OG Blizzard style… 😐
Sad someone at home does better than a blizz employee. The guy who made it even bragged on how cool it was to make it and how it turned out. With the odd camera zoomes and pincer tusks
See, now this is a fucking cinematic.
Way better. Great job
Shame on blizzard! Well done!
Now thats a reforge i See that the Community has do evreything here
The mouth movements and the prolonged flash to ash make such a huge difference.
Making blizz look bad, although thats not hard these days.
I miss him 🙁
Definitely a million times better than what Blizzard did… amazing work!
And like that a giant company gets put to shame by creating an inferior version. Well done.