Garrosh's Fate Reforged (World of Warcraft Cinematic)

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One of the best in-game cutscenes in shadowlands that deserved its own cinematic IMO, so I just made one. Hope you guys like it!

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35 thoughts on “Garrosh's Fate Reforged (World of Warcraft Cinematic)”

  1. This is fucking awesome and what Garrosh deserved.
    Seriously, we might get more cutscenes with these ingame cutscenes but we had tons of cinematics back in WoD which was awesome

  2. They did our guy dirty. Garrosh has been a memorable character since TBC and has been so important in Pandaria/WoD but they couldn't give two shits about him in Shadowlands for his minute of glory.

  3. Unpopular opinion: Original was more fitting/better for what it was. Doing this as a cinematic didn't add much besides mouthing animations and some quick camera movements. Spacing between them felt off too. No hate, just observation and opinion.

  4. Sad someone at home does better than a blizz employee. The guy who made it even bragged on how cool it was to make it and how it turned out. With the odd camera zoomes and pincer tusks


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