10 More Hunter Pet Tames for ALL 3 SPECS | World of Warcraft 10.2.5+

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Thanks for watching! I have another 10 (plus a bonus) pets to tame for all 3 hunter specs in world of warcraft. *edit* I had to cut little bits of this video due to copyright.. sorry about the choppiness! There’s a few pets on this list that I have wanted to share for along time… I hope you love them!

Timestamps found below:

00:0000:59 Intro
01:0004:19 Netherbeak
04:2005:32 Ristar the Rabid
05:3306:58 Rasthe
06:5908:47 Gilneas Fox
08:4810:33 Crusty
11:3412:22 Iceclaw
12:2314:26 Ghost Saber
14:2716:06 Vibrant Butterfly
16:0718:08 Gahz’rilla
18:0920:05 Sapphire Hive Drone
20:0623:05 The Kurken

Link to Tome of the Hybrid Beast: https://www.wowhead.com/item=147580/tome-of-the-hybrid-beast
Link to the Tome of Bone-Binding: https://www.wowhead.com/item=183124/simple-tome-of-bone-binding

My build information is found below!
🏹 Season 4 MM Hunter guide: soonTM
🏹 War Within Hero Talents: https://youtu.be/wv2eb5rxuU4
🏹10.2.5 MM hunter guide: https://youtu.be/a1Rnkofy-5M
🐾Link to Sul’raka video: https://youtu.be/68lGtgNTGbI
🐾Link to Drust Pets: https://youtu.be/d5BG4WJaIU0

🔗Link to the Podcast: https://youtu.be/7JlsMH5k6gY
🔗 Link to MM Hunter “guide” for MT: https://youtu.be/XvRz3juFwj8
🐾 NEW NEW PET TAMES: https://youtu.be/rQEWKanzEKo
🐾 Elusive Rimeclaw Bear Tame Video: https://youtu.be/ouEL7a7AyWM
🐾 BRAND NEW PET TAME VIDEO!: https://youtu.be/c8CdHtIYBJc
🔗 Link to Survival Hunter MT Guide: https://youtu.be/vRR_uuX2j3E

📧Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/pKGDsRYvYy

iLvL: 487 (486 weapon), Season 3 4 set
Stat line: 42% Critical Strike, 19% Mastery, 29% Haste, 18% Versatility
Embellishments: Blue Silk Lining & Adaptive Armguards
Link to talents used: B4PA5ZKiUcehijAKxoiI1CP3g6ABaBgoggAAAAAEJJHQSCICJJtEp1ERUkimQiESIhGAAAAA
Affixes: NA
🏹Link to Legendary bow video: https://youtu.be/2ez8ULaOVkU

🎬New animation by Mullusion on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mullusion
🏹Link to Raider.io: https://raider.io/characters/us/zangarmarsh/Greeley

💥Link to my “virtual tip jar” (donations are never expected, but only if you want to) PayPal: www.paypal.me/mreggplant

🚀YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQdj
🚀Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/g_reeley
📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greeleytyler/
🔗Discord: https://discord.gg/pKGDsRYvYy
🎬Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mreggplant
🈸️Nintendo ID: SW-7071-1618-2425
🥊Pokemon GO: 686608770487
📧Bnet: Greeley(hashtag)1373

♫ sam ock on YouTube:

Thanks for supporting a small channel like mine 🙂
#hunterpets #mmhunter #worldofwarcraft


2 thoughts on “10 More Hunter Pet Tames for ALL 3 SPECS | World of Warcraft 10.2.5+”

  1. Thanks for watching! I had to cut sections out of this video because of copyright, which included two of the original 12 in this video. Bummer for sure, but they'll be back in the next video! I hope you enjoy and let me know which pet or pets, you'll be hunting for from the video. If you're in my discord, please be sure to share a photo there as well! I'm getting back into the swing of things with WoW, and finishing up my Season 4 MM Hunter guide. I'll be heading back to the Awakened raids with my guild Draexit and hitting the Dragonflight dungeons again in M+. And finally, if I manage to get into Alpha or Beta, I'll post content about that too.

    I thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you next time!


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