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Emperor Thoradin has been ruling the Arathi Empire on a new continent for centuries!
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
This little document went completely under the radar that reveals that the Light Emperor of the Arathi humans is called Thoradin and he has been ruling as the Holy radiance for well over 300 years which means that this guy is either undead or is immortal and this raises incredibly interesting implications.
We recently learned that the Arathi are known to raise Light based undead as they say loyal only to the Emperor. We also know lightforged humans that are able to live multiple lifespans through the power of the Naaru. What is this new document, let’s examine the latest lore from the War Within beta and let’s see who this Emperor really is, could we be encountering an insanely advanced Light empire ruled by an undead monarch?
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How do you think he is being kept alive for so long? Also get amazing deals with my discount code 'DORON'
First 💜
I guess third?
1 month left babyyyyy
"Empires are bad. Kingdoms are good." – HCBaily
As in Thoradin's Wall?
This could be very exciting regarding Calia Menethil
Wouldnt be be plausible that the arathi leader is half elven considering that they migrated to there new nation with the elves therefore extending his lifespan considering elves can live for upto a 1000 years
Pls Not again undead Stories pls Not again sylvanas in my opinion We Had enough of Stories about undead ..dead, somehow dead , light dead ITS so boring …
what about lothraxion? lol way more logical in lore.
sounds like warhammer ^^ not saying good or bad, just saying: sounds warhammer
The thing the bothers me about the light undead is when shadow raises the undead they are usually mindless. Sure there are intelligent undead like Arthas, but like Arthas, who is REALLY in control. If their emperor died the light could very well be in control of him and the "him" of him just using his memories. He might just be a puppet.
You know what would be a cool change of pace? The light empire formally joins the alliance/horde struggle emperor and all as a strategic ally… I’m bored sick of the same old:
[big bad king/queen oppressor we must stop him/ ra ra monarchy bad monarchy bad – hey remember… monarchy bad]
Enough already I want to run into battle alongside a fantasy king and the elite forces, why can’t they just be written as good guys like varian wrynn or something? We could have a new Mage style class that focuses around light/fire and maybe light/arcane… seriously the alliance/horde are full of questionable moral classes and downright evil classes like shadow priests, demon hunters & warlocks, bloodthirsty warriors, murderous rogues, etc… why can’t fire/light worshippers join up too? Why is there a freaking hold up ??????
Arguably their morals are probably better than whatever bullshit the alliance/horde have- savage ape honor?? Wtf even is that??
Alliance doesn’t even know what Azeroth is to even understand what they’re protecting? At best it’s light priests & paladins that direct the morals of the alliance originally anyway
What the F, these should be our allies like how pandaren were both faction & a new civilization basically
> Unreachable continent due to lack of technology
> Flies spaceship to another planet
Didn’t they leave with elves, if they were having children together it’s plausible that their lifespan has increased
Elves live l9ng too, what of he's half elf
My dude – the Sacred Flame is the Light equivalent of Shadow Flame.
This is really fcking awkward for the scarlet crusade.
I was there, the day Dorons slew the Emperor
Don't the elves live long too?
Doron, what is Medivh doing out there? We know he's still alive in some form somewhere. What could he be doing?
Light Forged Lich King? Break Glass in case LK 1 and 2.0 don't work? If Lothaxion is not a high advisor or just chillin there idk wtf is going on.
Isn't it far more likely that Thoradin is a half elf? Hence the long life?
He could be being kept alive by the Light, akin to what happened to Turalyon.
You know, that other guy who is big into the Holy Light and has lived through a thousand years of warfare.
perfect that he is undead, as a DK we will control him and bring democracy to Azeroth
Do you think it’s possible that these arathi are actually from an alternate universe? Like the one connected to au draenor?
If the orcs never came through the dark portal then the first war never happened meaning the human kingdoms probably flourished. Ner’zul died on Draenor so maybe even the Scourge never happened. Which is also good for the elves.
Maybe without those wars the human and elves got even closer. Which would explain why we see a lot of half elves.
The light also completely takes over Draenor in that timeline so maybe it has a stronger presence in that timeline. The light sent the Arathi here to stop Xalatath across time and space!
Also Arthas is the light emperor!
Following the lead on how to create a title, let's post the news "Tyralyon is UNDEAD! The Alliance's BIGGEST SECRET!"…
OR he a half elf or elf just like all the other Arathi…why would he be undead 😂
Bro wtf this is so cooooool
Didn't know Blizzard could still do interesting storytelling hehe after MoP and such, love your vids man ^^
I dearly hope forsaken will not go this light undead route because it will kill their cool original vibes for good
Bro wtf is that weird ass goofy music in the background? Baaaaaad.
yep still not coming back bro
if you have ever watched Stargate SG1 they remind me of the Ori, a race of holy-fire powered ascended beings that force lower beings into to servitude through fear and intimidation by performing miracles and they grow strong with more believers.
what do yall think this new continent would look like before the sundering or emerald dream
The lightforged Emporor Thoradin was in a long term battle against the Sanguine Vampire elves
Considering that many of the Arathi seem to be half-elves, it wouldn't be insane to think that this Thoradin, might be a half-elf, since even 500 years doesn't sound to unfeasible for them.
@Doronsmovies If the Arathi were made of Humans and Elves.. is it possible that he's Half Elf? and has a longer life?
They really need to do the light empire right. Like, if we get to this new continent and find a bunch of narru just chilling with the humans, waiting for the void invasion, while we have been dealing with burning crusade, mists, legion, and shadowlands, I'd be a little pissed. They sent that expedition to kazelgar 15 years before we find them. That's a lot of time for that empire to be sitting on their asses while the world around them fights battle after battle. Like, if you think about it, the end theme of every expansion is the same, fighting for azeroth… while the rest of the undiscovered world dicks around
I hate how Blizzard makes players not choosing their way ! We will have to follow the renegates, and fight against established order, and I hate this so much ! What if I want to serve the Light and the Emperor ? This time, we have a badass guy, and we must fight him, it's stupid ! And I don't want to fight with "african" light knights too ! How a human mix between Lothar or Arathi empiremen with elves could make african men with pointed ears ? It's one more time completely stupid ! Blizzard, give us our occidental fantasy back !
Twenty bucks he turns out to be a dreadlord who infiltrated the Arathi empire in order to manipulate one of the Light armies with domination magic.
This is how Medivh comes back
Reminds me of The King in Yellow (Collection of Books/Poems) (aka Hastur) within the Cthulhu Mythos.
War Within is like the WH 40k expansion. The Earthen are very Adeptus Mechanicus and if they do go an Undead Emperor of Light, come on now.