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This video will be running through 10 hunter pets that have a unique and cool appearance that are also easy to obtain!
00:00 Intro
00:10 Felbound Wolf
00:55 Emerald Spirit
01:33 Hexed Craghopper
02:03 Fenryr
03:12 Thunderhorn
03:48 Felrot Courser
04:15 Faultline
05:40 Karkidan
06:25 The Kurken
07:16 Chimeron
08:25 Ridgeback Alpha
09:10 Horridon
10:09 Raban
Script to check what you can tame – /run for k,v in pairs({[‘Blood Beasts’]=54753,[‘Cloud Serpents’]=62254,[‘Gargon’]=61160,[‘Undead’]=62255})do print(format(‘%s: %s’, k, C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and ‘Yes’ or ‘No’)) end
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Will be a busy month for videos, have 6 already made and working on more for 10.2, so look forward to various Mount, Hunter Pet and misc vids inc!
The return of the returning again part 2. I'm here for it!!
Yay! Missed you sylier, was looking forward to your weekly recaps but I’m sure life got busy or something
Man, I love your channel! thank you for sharing the knowledge! =)
Great hunter guide!! Looking forward to more of these and the rest of your videos that you'll be coming out with soon! As always, keep up the great work Syi!
i tried to install your ui but nothing is working, i did notice that the guide was 2 years ago so are the versions of the addons you put in the file out of date?
2 great-looking rare-appearance pets I recommend for people starting a collection are Rukhran inside the Skyreach dungeon and Steeltusk in Talador 37:35 Rare. Any spec can tame both of these and they are both from WOD.
The book of Dino dropped on the first mob for me. So I think the rate is pretty high.
Ty! Love hunter pet videos, definitely going to grab a few of these
is there any criteria to taming beasts? i have a level 60 hunter and cant seem to tame certain mobs, even iron hoof or even other lower level things
I love that you featured the Felrot Courser! I always run one as my second pet come spooky season
Also, why doesn’t Blizz just add the special pets you can tame to your spell book? It’s so dumb.
Wouldn’t mind turning gay for this man tbh. Imagine coming home from work and this is the kind of food you end the day with. Pure heaven
surprised oondanasta isn't on this list
Faultline continues to do me proud. I use the Animal Companion talent and pair him with Steeltusk, a rare mob in Talador.
You should do a best pet combo video XD I always struggle knowing what cool pet to put with what cool pet! Bonus points if you include a matching transmog XD