Pointless Top 10: Abominations in World of Warcraft

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Abominations in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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27 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Abominations in World of Warcraft”

  1. 5:46 The book is only located in the instanced version of the Acherus in the DK starting zone above the Scarlet Enclave. Once you go to the Plaguelands, the book seems to disappear. Corpulus stands in one place during the DK opening quests; the book is behind him on a table.

  2. On the topic of the first guys as well, in the Necrotic Wake before Stitchflesh there are mini-bosses Goregrind and Rotspew, and with them are 3 additional adds simply called "Goregrind/Rotspew Leftovers" so those little abombinations are literally whatever materials the Maldraxxans had left and they just threw together a little dude so to not waste any parts. Kind of endearing when you really think about it.

  3. I think Patchwerk is also used nowadays when calculating DPS to convey that the DPS is calculated to perfect circumstances, not taking into account other mechanics and stuff. Or maybe the term already existed and so they called him that, but I still don't know wether the chicken or the egg came first so don't quiz me on that.

  4. Back when I first started in WotLK, there used to be whole groups of people making 5-Man and small raid groups to kill Stitches. I did it, a lot of my old guildies did it. Fun times.


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