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A lot is happening for the 11.0.7 patch but there’s no rush this time around! The Timewalking routine has been settling in and we’re so used to it, what’ll happen after it goes away?
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Woohoo let's gooooooo🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
On the TW question: Imo, we should get a specific TW to stay active until the next one comes up. Make the weekly quest that awards Champion gear (both from Raid and Dungeons) to be available only when they change, but otherwise keep the basic structure of Classic TW rewards, maybe extend the key system from BRD to other raids as well (and possibly even bring more TW raids to RF)
omfg that brutosaur song 🤣🤣🤣🤣
😅😂 the song tho
I personally love the songs. Always stay to the end to hear one
I read on a Wowhead post that there will be Renown increases, please tell me it was just bullshit?
1) Timewalking dungeons and legacy raids are fantastic because they offers more variety. Please have it every week!
-I would like to see the dungeons and legacy raid being changed every week.
2) Gearing feels really bad and completely broken
-Gear hierarchy order IMO:
World Quests ( The focus should be on materials, buffs, fun activities, not gear. With Deves might as well completely remove gear from WQ ).
Follower Dungeons ( They are good for practice and learning, bad for encouring less group play )
Normal Dungeon ( Should be made the difficulty of M0 )
Heroic Dungeon -Timewalking Dungeon ( Should be made the difficulty of M2)
LFR Raid ( I wouldn't change it from what it currently is)
Delve – Rep Vendors (Grinding REP should yield a better reward than HC deungon or LFR raid, Devs should be on same ILV)
Normal Raid (Raids should always provide better gear than normal/hc dungeons/rep/solo play)
HC Raid – Mythic + (M0 should be M4 current level)
Mythic Raid (This should provide the best gear and cool comestics, if you want the rewards you should do the work. P.S I have never been a mythic raider, I have killed a few ones but never fully completed a mythic raid during its tier)
3) Mythic + feels really bad. Why struggling classes are not buffed within a 2 week period is beyond my understanding and is way off putting. I'm not gonna list the % of classsed played.
-Delete the affexes that just give a flat % bonus to mobs and bosses health and damage.
4) More dynamic content. I would like to see changes of zones on a weekly or monthly basis. There has been attempt at this, but I believe it can work. Changes should be connected to the story.
– I very strongly believe this is not a problem of resources, but of creativity and "innovation". I was thinking laziness, but I will refrain from committing to that word yet.
-I would encoruage significant time investment in this area. as it is lacking.
Nobody is gonna read this or is gonna care. I also understand this is just my point of view, other people would prefer other things. I would like to think that it is how it hsould be objectively, but I might be wrong.
However, if some does read this until the end, I would like to hear your thoughts and let's keep the discusssion civil.
I kind of wish the original Scholomance was offered in classic time walking. I know it have done it before but coming back to the game with my wife in 2018 I started with a new account and don't have it on current set of folks.
The Classic/Vanilla timewalking dungeons suck and are long and slow. I'd prefer if it was always available, switched every week or every other week, and didn't keep coming back to Classic/Vanilla any more than any other expansion.
On one hand I worry that if TW was always available, it would quickly get repetitive and players would participate in it much less. On the other hand, it is a really great and quick way to gear up alts.
Thanks for the Brutosaur song, I still have my regrets on buying one, but your song makes it more bearable. 🤣🤣
they need to make timewalking change each week sick and tried of classic timewalking
Outro was amazing 😀
Feels like a completely skippable patch honestly.
I'm not opposed to a guild hall but I could see there being direct conflict with player housing. I wouldn't want blizzard to only allow raid kill trophies to be displayed in a guild hall as a way to try and differentiate the two..for example
I can't wait for 11.1.0 PTR
So is the new ring a mandatory item?
Congratulations on 17 years with your guild! Ceers
I found WoW is dead.
TW is perfect for lvling alts
I hope we get guildhalls. I really expected something like a guild citadel after garrisons came out, but alas.
I always look foward to seeing what song is at the end of the videos!
I thought 11.07 was the 17th?
I feel like the constant TW makes some players into bad gamers. You get people who expect to be carried. Then when they actually do get a normal group don’t know what to do. Had a 2 hour stream of runs with only 1 death. Did like 10 runs. Healer started out in the 20’s. Then had another group next day and healer was 80 and died three times in 10 minutes. Dumb stuff like that. Guess it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Just wish the game actually taught people how to be better while doing these.
I wonder if they will finally fix the Sanctum and Sepulcher raid skips for the patch, the account wide part of the skips still isn't working
does this patch end delve season 1?
where do i pick up the weekly quest for the heroic gear ( im very new )
that song ending is spot on. 20/10 needs to be a video short on youtube
Tmog is fire