Your Weekly Shadowlands Guide #68

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Find out what starts have aligned this week as Season 3 goes into full swing! The Sepulcher of the First Ones raid is swinging its doors wide open, with new unlocks and questlines!

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Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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35 thoughts on “Your Weekly Shadowlands Guide #68”

  1. New thing at dark moon faire a dance competition in a circus tent. Rewards a new toy item a portable dance stage. 😎😀. Love your videos and your singing lol. 😋

  2. i don't like how blizzard is always nerfing gear. having broken gear that does crazy ass interactions is really fun and refreshing. rextroy for example usually has some legendary that interacts with some unusual in-game item and it creates these fun 1-shot combos. seems like blizzard wants to get rid of all the creative things we can do for our gear, and instead just have us wear numbers on an item.

    next thing you know, stats are completely removed from the game, and it will just be an icon with an item level, and that will determine how powerful you are. yea…

  3. I thought I heard people saying the 50 percent Cypher bonus was account wide, meaning you only needed to purchase it once per account. But this suggests that we do in fact need to buy one per character. Can anyone confirm either way?

  4. The only thing that keeps me in the new zone is Poco tbh. They need to fix him beacuse the only friend I have is losing is pirate hat when I fly somewhere. 🙁


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