11 Potentially Strong Class Specs With Double Legendary Combos In Patch 9.2 – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5

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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQes399BdRk
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z7EMhznIY0
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lalj4TWf35E
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL9Qb4iPwew
ADDONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrABg_GvOcI


0:00 Intro
1:11 Resto Shaman AoE Build
2:10 Final Finisher Subtlety
3:02 “Beast Mastery” Spriest
3:55 Venthyr Holy Pala Unleashed
4:32 The Divinest Storm Ret
6:10 Big Drain Affliction
7:32 Hybrid Damage Resto Druid
8:49 Venthyr Eye Beam DH
9:56 Perma-Reck Fury Warrior
11:08 Tiger King WW Monk
12:09 Venthyr Boomkin Supercharged


19 thoughts on “11 Potentially Strong Class Specs With Double Legendary Combos In Patch 9.2 – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5”

  1. No one will see Spheres of harmory + Flash concentration Hpriest, It already does almost as much damage as a resto on AoE, and almost as much damage as a venthry hpal on single target + infinite whack-a-mole heals.

  2. The Magistrate's Judgment (Judgment has 75% chance to make your next holy power spender costs 1 less holy power) and Divine Resonance Kyrian Ret Pala Burst and AOE will be so disgusting imo.

  3. Even though it has not been stated (as far as I know) the ww monk Kyrian legendary will not work unless you are a Kyrian ww monk otherwise you won’t have the ability Call to Arms so I’m assuming you can only use the covenant leggo of the covenant your a part of at the time, so you can’t be a necro monk using the call to arms Kyrian leggo if you don’t have the ability call to arms as a necro monk, a surge of necrolord monks could be going back to Kyrian but it’s still to early to tell

  4. I thought some combinations would be fun:
    – Keefer's Skyreach + Sinister Teachings (cleave massive crit cooldown reduction on fallen order?)
    – Spirit of the Darkness Flame + Demonic Oath (spawn demons that apply fiery brand that heals the DH)
    – Seeds of Rampant Growth + Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones (immense cooldown reduction on feral spirits)

  5. Big miss on DPS shaman:
    1. Enhancement – Primal Lava Actuators with Venthyr Elemental Conduit to get insanely buffed Lava Lash
    2. Enhancement – Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones with Seeds of Rampant Growth to have insanely high uptime on Feral Spirits and massive ST damage
    3. Elemental – Skybreaker's Fiery Demise with Seeds of Rampant Growth should get nearly 100% uptime on Fire/Storm Elemental and massive flame shock damage.
    3. Elemental – Skybreaker's Fiery Demise with Elemental Conduit to deal insane damage with 7+ flame shocks and high uptime on Fire Elemental

  6. You forgot necrolord Demo warlocks. Balespiders for a full time increased 60% dmg increase to demonbolt, plus the necrolord shards of annihilation legendary coupled with the sacrificed souls talent at the bottom of their tree. You can be looking for some absolutely massive demonbolts that would put even the biggest and most deadliest of chaos bolts to pure shame


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