2 Hours of World of Warcraft Lore to Haunt You This October

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Dive into a tale of tragedy as we explore 3 of World of Warcraft’s most sorrowful and eerie zones: the Plaguelands, Silverpine Forest, and Duskwood.

In this 2-hour supercut, we delve into the heartbreaking lore of these iconic areas, uncovering the dark and tragic stories that shaped their histories.

– The Plaguelands: Once a prosperous region, now a land consumed by the Scourge. Witness the fall of Lordaeron and the tragic transformation of its people into the undead.

– Silverpine Forest: A shadowy forest gripped by the ongoing war between the Forsaken and Worgen. Here, we explore the fall of Gilneas and the bitter tale of betrayal that lingers in the mists.

– Duskwood: A cursed land haunted by restless spirits and dark secrets. The people of Darkshire face constant fear, with the chilling legend of Stalvan Mistmantle lurking in the shadows.

This video is ideal for anyone seeking spooky World of Warcraft lore or simply wishing to immerse themselves in the emotional storytelling of these tragic zones. Perfect for all the Loremasters out there and even those who want some background noise, especially during the Halloween season.

This October, dive into some of the most melancholic and eerie stories Azeroth has to offer. Whether you’re a longtime WoW player or new to the lore, this collection of tales will keep you up with its chilling atmosphere.

Chapters in the Tale of Tradegy:

00:0001:12 – A Spooky Tale
01:1252:19 – Lore of the Plaguelands
52:191:33:01 – Lore of the Silverpine Forest
1:33:012:11:25 – Lore of Duskwood
2:11:252:12:09 – The Night Goes Down

Adventure awaits!

Relevant Tales:

Join us every weekend for captivating tales from World of Warcraft’s expansive lore. From zones and dungeons to characters and more, our journey into Azeroth’s tales has just begun. Don’t miss out on the adventures that await!

Appreciate your viewership!

#wowclassic #wowlore #worldofwarcraft

In the realm of reality, these narratives are painstakingly woven over countless hours and days. All in-game clips are culled from both World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft Wrath of The Lich King Classic.


10 thoughts on “2 Hours of World of Warcraft Lore to Haunt You This October”

  1. Library listeners! Welcome back to another lore supercut! This time around we are diving into some of the darkest, most tragic, and heartbreaking lore ever created in WoW, just in time for Halloween 🎃 👻

    Taking a moment to thank you all for the continued support across the library. We have recently upgraded our PC hardware and are still going through the process of getting back into the swing of making these tales, so this supercut was put together to ensure that not too many moons passed before our next tale.

    We are experimenting with ideas, software and techniques to try and improve these stories and videos so stay tuned, theres plenty to come! 📚📖


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