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Videos I reacted to:
🏰 2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.
🖼️Thumbnail Artist: KingdomAce
🎬Footage by: @PlatinumWoW
📜My Script: ^
#worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftclassic #blizzardentertainment
📜MISC Desc Tags:
KingdomAce,world of warcraft,non warcraft fan reacts to world of warcraft all cinematics,world of warcraft reaction,world of warcraft cinematic,world of warcraft cinematic trailer,world of warcraft the war within,world of warcraft wrath of the lich king,world of warcraft wrath of the lich king reaction,world of warcraft classic,world of warcraft dragonflight,world of warcraft dragonflight reaction,world of warcraft server status,wow shadowlands,wow cinematics reaction, the war within, wow the war within, world of warcraft the war within, world of warcraft the war within reaction, kingdomace world of warcraft
Well howdy doody another banger.
Platinum wow is amazing for Lore. Puts so much effort into his vids!
Hey You react to meet the pro action spy sfm
PlatinumWow & nobbel are great lore videos
love to see another wow player learn more about the lore! i cant wait to see more reactions from u!
PlatinumWoW is a great way to learn about the lore. His videos are easy to digest and quite entertaining.
"I mean yeah, mortals were abusing magic, but like, it's not like it's gonna destroy the world"
Que flashbacks to The Sundering
The Blue Dragonflight's story isn't over, just wait until you get to Dragonflight.
Keep up the WoW content brother! You're doing amazing
Wrathion isn't a bad guy
"now im flying away… weeee…" lol man platinum wows vids are great XD
Platinum needs to update that dragon video now that Dragonflight is pretty much done
Screw that guy. Cap'n Hooktail is awesome.
Wrathion has always been the good guy. Edit: besides a questionable plan or 2 when he was a little tantrummy whelp baby dragon
Wrathion is NOT a bad guy, antihero to a degree, sure. but he is simply protecting the planet like his father before him was tasked with defending. he is also Brash and Arrogant, but that's understandable given that he is still quite the Whelp as far as Dragons go, as he was born during the Cataclysm expansion.
The DOWNFALL of Arthas Menethil definitely one to watch
Once you think you got the hang of WoW and how each expansion plays (if you're doing multiple playthroughs to see each expansion, that is) gotta recommend checking out some fan made machinimas for the game. Not even asking you to react to them, I just think you'd get a kick out of some of them when you know the ingame context.
The Burning Legion is a much more magically-inclined answer to the Strogg of Quake II.
Idk if you've seen but the video wow lore in 23 minutes I think sums up the major stuff (not the newest expansions) and may give ideas on what you might want to look into more.