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Week 2 of Shadowlands crafting 2 legendaries on both my priests
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i luv u
Thanks for reading the tool tips, I’m on my phone and can’t read tiny text. I’m baffled when YouTube don’t read tool tips.
Still cool Vids but i like u playing Shadow Priest in Classic 🙂
For Open PvP u can also farm Magic Dust, what u get in Undead Startquests for sleeping People 30sek. Then u have Engi and this 😀 u can farm it in Westfall but its a little bit hard to farm, only 6 Mobs and 15% Droprate. I did it with my Priest because i'm Alchemist at the Moment. Its just funny.
Rogue is also good to see but Retail WoW is just a little bit boring :/
Greetings from Russia! I've been playing the classic for a long time and I like to watch your videos on this version. And this one is not clear and not very interesting. I flipped through the entire video. Waiting for a classic. Good luck!)
my man good luck in arena 😀