+20 Plaguefall Tyrannical +1 Venthyr Guardian Druid Tank – WoW Shadowlands 9.1 August 23, 2021 by Mertelyev Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv 7. Week of 9.1 patch. bursting, volcanic, tyrannical and tormented affixes. pug party Havoc demon hunter Unholy death knight Windwalker monk Restoration shaman source
hey, another cool run. Could you please explain why do you skip the first boss for a while and then turn back? Is it for the CDs to come back up? Reply
i love watching u runs ! wp !
hey, another cool run. Could you please explain why do you skip the first boss for a while and then turn back? Is it for the CDs to come back up?