2019 Classic FRESH Community Servers Are Here… | Xaryu Reacts

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28 thoughts on “2019 Classic FRESH Community Servers Are Here… | Xaryu Reacts”

  1. Ok Here is the thing Is there always going to be a audience for classic fresh Sure But Real talk whether you like it or not.

    Classic happened Partly because wow As a whole was in a terrible state and The people that want this Is are wanting to play anything else anyway.

    Cata sod war or Whatever They're just not going to be interested in those Is there some roll over sure but What reason does blizzard have to do a fresh server wen Technically all they have to do is wait for a server to die and the community can do that on their own ?

    Because a good portional's people I guarantee It's going to you like this.The server would blow up during the level up process and o look mc Again At that point it dies.

    So ya I'll be honest I would never play a classic or tbc No changes server ever again.

    And I don't think I'm alone in that category Now that people have really gotten a taste of what that is.

    Yes sure There are people that want it but I don't think it's as big of an audience as people think it is.

  2. kinda crazy….xar is so out of touch with reality regarding the player base I am starting to think he works for blizzard, SoD is very dead, more players on classic era and cata rn. Yeah there will be phases but sod never took over like classic wotlk/classic cata/classic era/classic tbc. The majority of the people i play with have never even wanted to touch it after phase 1 and just consider it classic retail cancer.

  3. Blizzard should make a classic server that refreshes after the classic phases are done, without being able to migrate there, being able to screw the economy up etc. Would probably generate the most players

  4. Now or in the very near future is the perfect timing. I'm done with all these overhyped and short-lived experiments, which basically all failed rather soon than late aka. SoM, SoD. Cata hype will aswell be over faster than it came. Short overhypes en massé is everything Blizzard has given the Community since TBC classic. Better be successful with an old game than not at all. FRESH CLASSIC NOW!

  5. SOD is not getting shit right now, They don't have to give us content right now but they could of at least said what they were working on NEW. instead we have a long ass delay and no info. They killed the hype and my friends have quit. that kill the joy for me as well.


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