Massive Currency Buffs Make Legendary Crafting Much Easier | WoW Shadowlands

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Some recent changes to currency earning rates as well as a new option for farming soul ash and soul cinders will make legendary crafting easier than ever before!
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23 thoughts on “Massive Currency Buffs Make Legendary Crafting Much Easier | WoW Shadowlands”

  1. Having to buy the base Armor off the AH is the problem. I could care less about the essence farm its not that bad. But i only have enough gold to gear out 1 character per season with out the game becoming more like a job just constantly gold farming. Trying to bypass the AH and craft the whole thing your self is a nightmare. You get like 5% towards the next rank and there are i think 10+ ranks now. Pretty sure this is a sly way of blizzard trying to sell WoW tokens for us to sell for gold and buy our gear off the AH.

  2. Cosmic flux could be used to buy level 7 mats. The thing I would most want though is the ability to choose my key for cosmic flux at the end of m+. I mean, the dude at the end is a broker afterall. Since they are dealing out the key anyways… couldn't we bribe them?

  3. I am just waiting on them to remove the f-ing Grateful Offerings… You need over 6000 of them to buy every item. WHO thought it would be a good idea to gate the rewards behind THREE DIFFERENT WALLS?? Renown/Rep, Anima and GO…

  4. Instead of nuking down the market they could've just make it easier to craft the bases yourself…aka ranking up. It still boggles my mind how all of this was an issue in the first place…80k-120k for a base is NOT much, or even less if you get mats yoursel. All this change does it caters to people who don't know how to manage and make some gold in this game or just simply too lazy. 100k is nothing in todays WoW and it's really NOT hard to make some quick gold in this game.

  5. They didn't fix the biggest problem with crafting which is getting the recipes no one wants to make 15 lvl 1 peices to get a lvl 2 then make 15 of those for 3 just let us buy the damn lvl 4 peices this was the biggest fuck you too all wow players that blizzard has ever done

  6. I've considered leveling up some legendary crafting items, but I find myself wondering if the rank 1-3 items I'll create will have any value whatsoever. Is anybody buying these on the AH, as opposed to saving for the high-rank items? Is there anything else that can be done with them (vendor, DE, etc.)?

  7. For the base mats to make the tier they only said slightly increased. Basically don't count on any improvement there. Anything less than a 50% improvement is too little. A better approach would be to have cut the number of items needed per rank to like 5 or 6 at the most and dropped mats needs by half. Then it would make them achievable.

  8. Having to wait until week 8 for tier kind of sucks. It's not like I'm not clearing normal and heroic, I am, I just have not had luck. I have one 278 tier chest and that's it. I was not offered anything in vault until that chest this week. And to be clear, I do 10 or 15 keys every week at 15+ and clear the tier bosses on normal and through Halondrus on heroic. There should be more bad luck protection because the result is falling behind. When you cue for an 18 or 19 you're going to be asked if you have tier set and if you don't, you are likely to be booted or not invited in the first place.

  9. it would be nice if the 246 gear from pilgrim's grace could be used in the catalyst, the gear is pretty useless considering the time it takes to get pieces you easily max out cypher gear first.


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