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I take you through what’s what in the 20th Anniversary patch of World of Warcraft! And present an organized look at the activities and rewards so you can plan out your routine during this patch.
Full patch notes
Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
0:00 Intro
0:41 Patch summary
2:14 20th Anniversary event breakdown
7:10 How the vendors work
9:10 How the raid/vendors work
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Are the dailies warband quests? I got 12 to gear with PvP, do I still have time for this?
Is the daily trivia quest gone too? I used to make a lot of badges and xp running my alt army through that quick quest.
"Hey, I'm Timewalkin' here! I'm Timewalkin' here!"
So BRD is going to have an lfr?
One of your best lay downs done effectively and efficiently! Thanks!
so blizz can't fix the end game for the 95% of players and we get this until 2025….well better than nothing at all
What it that transmog at start of video? The back piece with a bag and swords in it
I find it telling that when you started the segment "what can you buy" it wasnt necessary to say transmogs. Like it was a given. The game def has changed.
8:50 Soul’s not-so-subtle reminder that he almost exclusively plays Paladins 😂
I’ve seen the green version of the monk set that you featured in the thumbnail of this video, but I’ve also seen a gold variant. Any idea where the gold variant comes from or how to obtain it?
There will be millions of paladins in week2
Is catalyst charges once a week in this patch?
Sooo is the Mage Tower going to be up for longer than a week if TW is happening every week?? …asking for a friend (:
One stupid thing is no gear give mastery so its kinda shit
so ready for Warbank Crafting on my alts as i level them up, that's gonna be my fave activity during the rest of this season, beyond that my Main will focus on farming Tokens. low stress would be great but so would getting done sooner than later.
Good video. I'm excited about being able to farm the things while leveling alts at the same time. I also I like that the awkward rap at the end of your video isn't there too.
Love time gated stuff, you prob won’t be able to even get a set in the first week
Question- Is the 12 hr additional XP buff a one time thing or does it recharge for the next day or after 12hrs?
The perfect video to watch while I poo.
Ah yes while mythic+ has systematic issues right now and severely needs tuned to get the people who got gear from delves out of 4's and in 2's or 0's where they belong until they get better. They are busy making sure Dracthyr can fly together and shamans get new ascendance forms.
Good job blizzard keep wasting our time.
What is the fastest way to CoT? Will there be a portal in Dornagal?
I think it was tyranical/fortified this week and next one if fortified/tyranical?..
Ingored my class is getting ignored. Guess what my main is lol.
Disappointed that my alt army won't be able to help get the celebration tokens, but that also means I don't have to do the events so much so I guess that's ok
looks like i will use two toons to achieve the events saves running the other 20 plus alts I have awesome.
We want mounts for twitch drops! Not pets
Love Lorewalker Cho and his Uncle Iroh energy. 10/10, would have tea.
Bro is REACHING for the 10 min mark
What ilvl gear are the te dungeons droppomg
Looks like a busy few months ahead! Great guide. Cheers buddy.
Lol just a dress up game now. NO challenge anymore. It had to be dumb for people born after the year 2000
see you on twitch. just followed you
1:15 what about Darkmoon faire quests for professions? I'm not holding my breath but checking my warbank vs 50 alts to make sure they can do their breaded frog would cut down some time
Question: are the sets class locked or type locked? Meaning as a rogue can I wear the monk set? Similar to mop remix*
Figures just starting to get used to it again and change sounds more like making people quit
Not super excited but I want the dk stuff n thas it
Everyone stay healthy… mentally
Dang the monk and dk have the best look imo
Anyone else hasn't had the gear variants given from previously done quests?