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233 iLvl Weapon Arms Warrior / Resto Druid 2v2 Arena
Ft. Markers the Feral Affinity Resto
WoW Shadowlands 9.0 PvP
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Slowly working on getting geared up & definitely enjoying our big ole 233 iLvl 2-Handed Weapon in PvP! 😀
Got some more Arms Warrior / Resto Druid 2v2 Arena action for you w/ Markers & stay tuned for more viewer games on the way as well! 🙂
Thanks for watching & be sure to show the video some love in the LIKES / COMMENTS & SUBSCRIBE (Enable Notifications!) to see more <3
1 hp shit totems 😀 fells so bad as shaman when people instant 1 hit totems. im always like.. guess ill throw a new one in 1 min.. who is laughing now..
I DESPISE SHADOWLANDS! This is the first expansion in over 12 years that I have unsubbed. But I’m out. I had a fire mage, from stealth blow me up in 1.3 seconds. Done! FTS.
How do you get the nameplate to show on the regenerating wildseed? I watched your threatplates video from a few weeks ago but you didn't have it setup then. Been trying to figure this out for a few days now.
which addon do u use for the nameplates?
Great vid btw
What is that damage font addon you are using? Its clean
love this kill the pod WA;
Can anyone help me with threat playes😭 I’ve tryed to make mine like his but it’s messed up and won’t change I watched a fuckin guide on it but no matter what settings I change my plates look the same small and skinny and won’t change
It's good hearing Markers on comms
Someone has a cat that is either in heat, or hungry!!!! Lol.
Nice games man!
What addon does he use for the health Bars?
What’s the tips against WW monk comps? I play resto Druid( feral affinity )/ warrior too but my Druid has problem surviving against WW monk.
You look like the guy who solved the Poincaré conjecture.
Baj brother, what do u prefer more, Night Fae or Venthyr for 2s and 3s Arena?
Do you have any videos on specific Warrior matchups? Just go back into WoW and trying to learn abilities of other classes and what I need to counter as Arms in Arena
Loving PvP arenas so far but facing a hard gear gap on my warrior, I finally hit ilvl 197-202ilvl and I’m facing 210-215ilvl PvErs in arenas so I’m stuck at 1500cr, it’s not fun to get destroyed due to gear gap but hopefully later on, getting full PvP gear can stop the gear gap. I’m not doing mythic plus nor raid since I absolutely hate them due to BfA where I was forced to do PvE for gear so now in shadowlands, I can finally can gear through PvP but the stats are still a issue as well gear gap. I wish they went with MoP or WoD scaling or add PvP power/res so I can focus on skills to improve myself and not having to deal with gear gap.
Good shit
Max ilvl ? Dang nice work
what is the addon for the totem pls ?
Started doing some arenas few days back. Watching your videos definitely helps! Insane Spell reflects!
Yo bro whats the name of the addon to watch the totems so big and perfect?
Baj, please make a video with the arena interface, preferably with your profile, thanks! you're cool!
What is the name of your plates addon?
Daaamn! You guys are blasting! Got my 2.4k last week. No 233 wep in GV. Feels bad saving conquest for it for WEEKS 😭
Is it good night fae for raid or mythic?
What's the name plate addon? and the addon that shows the duration of effects right above it.. Please let me know would be much appreciated!
Amazing content as always! Any chance we can get an updated copy paste of your threat plates? You've changed a few things since the last vid and would be awesome to get the new profile.
I wish I had list of all your add-ons.
How do you set up the focus target cast bar like that? I really like it but I can’t seem to find out how to do it.
How I get your exact nameplate setup?
whats the name of the addon that shows debuffs above the enemy healthbar?
Wow, not a single Elemental, Enhancement, Retribution, no Hunters, Warlocks and no DKs 😀