We Just Got GREAT New Updates In The War Within | World of Warcraft

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Welcome to the news We have a Big Episode today , With even MORE delve and Zekvir changes this week, Tons of class changes , brand new updates on the ptr, more 11.0.5 news, datamines – and so so much more. My name is Skyy from the comeback kids. It’s your Saturday Morning News, grab a cup of coffee, sit down, we got a lot to discuss.


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00:00 – Intro
00:22 – Zekvirs Lair Nerf
02:21 – Raid Changes
03:21 – Preservation Nerfs?
04:05 – Patron Orders Overhaul?
05:24 – AWC Is on!!!
06:05 – Class Chnages / Updates 20th Anniversary
09:10 – Ascendance Form Update again
11:10 – Trading Post October
12:20 – M+ Drama?!?!
15:03 – Future Allied Race?


39 thoughts on “We Just Got GREAT New Updates In The War Within | World of Warcraft”

  1. As a Fury warrior main these nerfs really bother me because we rely on the big aoe burst for M+ and alot of raid fights especially as we move into mythic progression. They based these nerfs off of data collected from heroic dungeons and M0 dungeons . In higher difficulty content we lose alot of the benefit from our burst because adds stay up longer than our burst window. As fights drag on our dps drops and all other classes ramp up. The single target for fury is basically useless we just run arms for that which still isent spectacular and feels very clunky. It gonna become difficult to push high keys and be much of an impact in raid.

  2. The warrior changes aren't a problem. Warriors aren't angry about this as trash DPS doesn't matter anyways. No serious player looks at trash pull DPS and thinks.. OMG warrior OP. They are still amazing DPS on 2 cleave and single target raid and Mythic + where it matters.

    Mythic + is a mixed bag. The scaling is terrible for the rewards. Seriously, you have to get to an M7 to get 610 gear, and 616 from the Vault. This is absurd. Most players won't get past an M4 or 5 due to health and damage scaling. It's quite ridiculous that the rewards are so pathetic for the effort required. You will ALWAYS have the sweaty player who pushes to M10 for the gilded crests, but the Delves are balanced just about right. They have some tweaking left for delves with specs and Brann, but a decently geared player can run a Tier 8 delve solo without much effort. I ran a tier 8 bountiful delve with my 564 Warlock yesterday. Some classes, like warlocks, and hunters, and tanks have a MUCH easier time in delves than straight DPS. This needs a tune. Brann needs to have a tanking role added or needs to be better CC when healing. M+ needs some serious tuning, ESPECIALLY on Grim Batol and Slag Works. Both are very unpopular due to mob health, damage, and effects.

  3. I think your perspective for M+ is very wrong. There is nothing none toxic about M+, I have never been in a group high or lower where someone was calm, patience, or helpful. TWW got great reviews so got me and a couple buddies to play it lasted 2 weeks and I am the last one playing. Can't get groups, when we do one wipe someone always rage quits. It also doesn't help they brought back 2 of the worst dungeons to every exist Siege, NW; Grim is a trash dungeon as well. It like they didn't even try to make new ones, we spent months and months runs NW and Siege it sucked so bad they are horrible dungeons and I never wanted to run them again. At least they could have made new dungeons, M+ literally killed the expac for us. Raid has never been our thing, we dont due guilds dont like schedules we do what ever we want when we get online.

  4. the issue I had with M+ in DF(and seems the same is carrying over TWW) is lower key, people are so full of themself or so focused on topping dps chart they tend to brick key by relying on"the healer can keep me alive through anything" The reason I stopped doing M+ in DF was healer kept losing their shit over idiots dps in full heroic raid who kept dying over and over again while standing in stuff…I know some will say that "oh its toxic to kick someone for not understanding stuff" I agree if they arnt geared out of their rear. But if they are and still mess up..thats on the player and they SHOULD get kicked since its better to brick a key early than being done with no reward at the end because you got 25 death from one single ret pally..

  5. i haven't played since bfa and understand why i quit this toxic game. i'm currently 2450io and run(was running) 9's/10's only and it happens more in higher keys imo. always a group of friends on discord where they will always shift blame to you if they die no matter what. it's just the type of person that has not logged off in 20 years and has nothing outside wow going for them projecting their childish anger at anything. "why aren't do doing more damage, decursing, doing the entire affix, cc'ing, healing, being omega god?!" so they can sit there and tunnel dps and still die. also, there's legit tank trolls that will join and know what to pull at the start and just leave similar to shit that that tiny violin guy does. no consequence = no enjoyment for people doing the right thing and that goes with everything we do in life. oh ya, and they will kick you at the last boss before it dies just to troll you.

  6. I play tank, with demon hunter on Myth+ 609ILV, I studies all movement from all dungeons in rotation, i'm Brazilian and get server from Brazil (azralon), my husband play healer with me and he's Canadian in Zuljin server, why I telling this, because ppl get mistakes on Myth+ (basic ones like no interrupt, not moving ..) and leaves saying so much for me, saying is my fault for be "Azralon", actually so difficult play Myth+ people is so racist and xenophobic.
    The entire system of myth+ is totally toxic, I had more fun time with Delves and WQ, than dungeons.

  7. 7+ keys are chill because most noobs can't break 2k and stay in low elo. First problem is they refuse to stack vers to make life simple for the entire group. Second problem is, low elo believes it's the healer's job to heal through mechanics that are meant to be dodged or kicked, and they refuse to use CDs to mitigate damage… i'm a healer… it's disgusting. Disc 2200 in 1 week of pugging

  8. timed dungeons was the worst thing in WoW. It just breeds toxicity as everyone wants to race to beat the timer. Not taking away from people who absolutely love them.

    Im just glad they introduced delves as an option. Ill never touch M+ again

  9. The toxic players in lower level keys isn't a new thing, it's just moved to a new place. Back in Wrath days it was heroic dungeons. During Cata it was heroic dungeons and LFR. It comes about because there are some people that suffer the Dunning Kruger effect in regards to their ability to play the game. They think they're great players because they can do the harder content that the very casual player can't be bothered even getting into, but they're not good enough to do the really hard end-game stuff, but they want to be, and they think they can if only all the noobs would stop holding them back… never realising that the thing holding them back is themselves. They can't admit they're not as good as they think they are, so they blame everyone else. I'm not the slightest bit surprised that it has appeared in the lower mythic levels. These people will never get to the high end mythics, not only because they aren't as good at playing as they think they are, but also because at the top end there's no room for blaming and shaming, it's no place for being arrogant and hot-headed. Everyone has to cooperate, be nice, be patient, and if you're not, you'll never get to the top because the top players won't put up with that 💩

  10. To much nerf on raid lol. This game its a joke. Players still not clearing hc with better gear.. or over geared gear to hc its just dum. So Blizzard nerf it.. this is not a gear problem but skill problem. Stopp help the cry noobs in this game. Please Blizzard.

  11. I really hope they bring Harronir in as an allied race as well. No offense to those who like the dwarfs but I feel we're overflowing with the various versions of them at this point.

  12. M+ this season is toxic as hell. Pugged all the way to 2100 io. Topicalcream – frostmorne oce. It doesn't change in higher levels and if you dont have a Brez or just you are a second class player.

  13. M+ issues mostly have been people just not knowing mechanics . Go watch Quazi's "Masterclass" series. Also is a problem when I have more kicks than the tank, people either don't know what their class kick/interrupt is or don't know/care have bad it is if casts are left to happen. And so many "One-shot" mechanics are out there now. BUG? I have noticed that some "dragon" mobs have be spinning 180 degrees to non tanks when they are not supposed to with "blast" mechanics.

  14. brand new to the game ( was enhancement shaman but swapped to resto because my fingers hurt) I love M+ everyone says ggs at the end some even add me (2100 raider io level). I feel like iam pushing myself as a healer with everydungeon im doing at 6+ some people will insta leave if i miss something like lust timer / they die and i could do something. the only thing that upsets me is that as a healer everyone notices my mistakes. but only i notice when yall dps stand in swirlies >:(

  15. People in lower keys are toxic because they're frustrated, it's as easy as that.
    Earthen should have just been a customization for dwarves. Making them an entire race was just stupid. Same for mechagnomes. I'm tired of blizz adding these extra "races" that are just customizations for races we already have.

  16. Totally disagree about the lower mmr being more toxic than high mmr in LoL and in mobas in general lol.

    Having gotten in near the top 5% (diamond-ish) in a few mobas, I can attest to the fact that it’s all toxic from all ranks lol.

    Mobas and MMOs attract a much more try hard player base than your average game.

  17. Lol all of these ppl gaslighting that toxicity is the problem in mythic+ when in reality it’s the overtuned dungeons…
    Randomly getting one shot out of no where or being a healer spamming heals having a heart attack because everything hits too hard is going to make people frustrated. I remember doing mythic+ in legion and it was super fun and less stressful and more rewarding


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