25 Million Gold in 10 Days with Shadowlands Enchanting – Shadowlands Goldmaking

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In this video I reveal how a friend of mine made 25 Million Gold in 10 days with Enchanting in Shadowlands! We haven’t had this type of bottleneck in the game for a while, and he definitely used it to his advantage! This is an absolutely amazing goldmaking strategy especially at new expansion launches, and we can get some knowledge from what he did and try to replicate these results in a later patch! Shadowlands Professions in general have been amazing for goldmaking so far and this is only one of many success-stories out there for Shadowlands Goldmaking!
Hopefully you guys enjoyed the video!

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10 thoughts on “25 Million Gold in 10 Days with Shadowlands Enchanting – Shadowlands Goldmaking”

  1. A quick little break-down / summary
    – Get Enchanting to 115 Skill (Which Requires a lot of Eternal Crystals)
    – Craft Enchanted Lightless Silk, Enchanted Elethium Bar, Enchanted Callous Hides (Used for crafting Legendaries)
    – Keep monopoly of Eternal Crystals since the supply is / was very limited.
    This was a Goldmaking Strategy that worked ALOT better the first week / first 10 days of Shadowlands, because now we have a lot of Crystals in circulation (From shuffles like the video I made earlier today, and people getting full mythic0 gear)

    ►Get the Zero to Goldcap Guide 50% off with the code "Solheim"! https://gumroad.com/a/806614131
    The support on this Affiliate Partnership has been insane so far and I'm so happy to give you guys a 50% discount on a product I really believe in! Make sure you check it out if you haven't already!

  2. if it worked for him now it doesn't mean its going to work next time. He took a big risk and it payed off. What if blizzard did a random change or introduced another method to procure them like we can now in revendreth and they lost value before he could manage to make a profit. I mean he invested millions to have monopoly he could have lost most of it. But I guess it worked out because people are desperate and pay 250k for one crystal. Like why?


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