3 SECRETS to BEATING RMP | Shadowlands PvP

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Concepts: shadowlands pvp, rmp, 3v3, counter rmp, rmp guide


16 thoughts on “3 SECRETS to BEATING RMP | Shadowlands PvP”

  1. Why all this hate against RMP and they are not even first in arena rating… Turbo, or anything with a war/pala/shadowpriest are far more dangerous than RMP.. people struggle with RMP cause they fuck up opener thinking they can win without forcing Defensive CD since start, also , learn to DOT Rogue/Dispell mage and its over, i personally hate hunters more than everything so much instant damage and IA (pet) doing all the work..

  2. Hey all, wonderful guide ty so much! I'm still not quite sure how to counter this team. I play a spriest in 2sl with a fire mage. 9x out of 10 they go me. If the rogue opens using shadowblades I'll use disperse if not with my mage interrupting their mage I can live through it with a fear and beginning my own burst. If the mage is hitting me also I fade for the dmg mitigation and speed to get away. But I usualy end up using disperse in the open cuz the rogue has used shadowblades. Then my trinket fade is used on their 2nd go. We most of the time still lose. Anyone know how I can beat this comp with my comp?

  3. sure the best 3 RMP players in the world can sit atop the dead ladder, but warrior teams running rampant, it shouldn't be that hard to counter. What we need is a "how to counter Turbo" or "how to counter god comp", how to counter War/mage, etc


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