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Good thing NN had her thing.
I know this is unrelated, but am I the only one getting infinite raid energy refills for the alpha raids?
My milestone 17 shows the gold superior X gene crafted material. ? ? Did they reset the rewards back ?? 50 pieces too
What t4s do you have on elektra? I have her passive and she doesn't get her ult turn one. Do I need the t4 on her ult to make ker go?
Moon knight not batman is cloned
Me:did you say batman☠️
Wheres Emma? Shes half the team
Yah kitty and frozone never land stuff. But jubs had defense down and dock probably blocked while iceman had offense up and no block
Some resists for dock trigger his passive block heal which is either a bug or resist covers the block
Hey man! Love your videos.
Can you please do a war defense video? It’s been a while since we’ve seen you defense and it has changed a lot lately. Thank you for THIS video, you’re the best
300k lol
Dude, no emma, this is a walk. Ya can punch up a real one 300k
I love these Alliance War videos. Great Stuff MG365!
I attacked a 800k BO today and my 8W spawned with their buffs before they got defense down and disrupted. So I guess the negative war effects, don't mess with 8W lol
That was my Doc Ock that you almost struggled with. Nice one. Wish that stun didnt stick or else it would of spelt trouble for you.
What was wrong with Shatterstar's position? I don't see it
Love ya boomer but there was no Emma so therefore not even a real team or challenge
start with bishop special so that next turn bishops ult hits like a bomb
Your Team is Awesome, how you got your team so strong ?
Could MuM summon threw SS away ?
We look forward for a top 10 best war defense teams video
Does anyone care about Marauders being punched up ? Rofl , and there's no Emma there as well.