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I have my thoughts on World of warcraft and I am to old to change my ways. I think we all know that blizz isn’t the blizz we grew up with and love. But classic is going in a direction I like. And some people (friends) don’t aggree.
retail trash mobs have more mechanics than classic bosses
Hey love little debates like this with mates haha, my take on it is this though:
1) Graphics wise, we can all agree objectively Retail looks better but Classic graphics is retro and has a charming old style to it that makes it so appealing to us vets.
2) The end game for retail is "better" but the leveling is non-existent, spam dungeons lvl up easily. Classic lvling is a JOURNEY a ADVENTURE and makes for some amazing memories and you truly get attached to your toon.
When it comes to deciding which is better? Well it depends on Retails current expansion and the players taste honestly. Sadly, my generation doesnt have the attention span to level a character in classic in comparison to retail. Im more classic leaned, personally, Id love retail so much more if the leveling experience was slowed down and dungeons didnt make players teleport, rather, the dungeon finder puts you in a group of 5 and you guys can use meetings stones and figure out how to get to the dudgeon so that you actually EXPLORE the amazing world.
those retail guys are kinda toxic eh?
all sides are toxic we all know anything from Mist of Pandaria and before clearly is better the devs who made it were clearly better honestly most the devs in todays wow for Dragonflight The War Within etc…just suck no offense to em….but class design, the world, the story all just suck compared to anything from mop and before I can't stand how the current game plays…it's so focused around the 1% player base, Arena World Cup, MDI, World First Raids….needing lame Websites for Raid Stats gear stats etc its all cancer….but hey I'm loving Cata Classic I missed how tanking was in all versions of classic I can't wait for MoP tanking on BM Monk…I hate how TWW one plays etc.
edit: I'm sure we also all see the Woke nonsense going on with Retail and how some of its affecting classic versions but not even close tbh Classic keeps so much of it's Identity
Classic FTW
You're just talking past each other.
What you're trying to say, video owner/creator, is that you like the ART STYLE and the aesthetical direction (which is entirely subjective) more than what the more glossy, coated, "smooth" and perhaps Pixar-ified direction retail is in. It objectively is more graphically detailed, textured, it's "better" by the objective measure but subjectively a lot of people find the old style has more grit, a more Warcraft 3-aesthetic maybe.
I think if you had said that you both would have been able to discuss the topic with more clarity and mutuality. 🙂
To be fair: I play both, while Classic probably has its roots in me in more sentimental ways and I "enjoy" it in a leisurely way much more, Retail is more fun when the content is fresh and I'm more "competitive."
Different strokes and all!
i have gone back to retail every expansion and stayed less each time , but i can always go back to classic and have fun for a bit longer, but then i started in Everquest in 99 so that was another thing alltogether lol
I played all expansions, I don't get why people go back and spam that shit. I can understand people who never experienced it. But to quite retail to go back and spam the shit you did decades ago is delusional. Go touch grass, do something productive, read a book, something else. If someone dabbles and games a little sure. But my god classic players are just as obnoxious as retail and usually are just shit at retail so they go back to easy mode classic.
Really enjoyed the watch! great debates.
Main problem i have with retail is actually the new character models, i dislike most of the animations 😅 most of them run goofy as hell or look too soft
I think you're right. There is nothing objective about graphics being "better." Its like saying oil painting is worse than digital painting. I think classic is more charming than retail. I play A LOT of retail but nobody can convince me that retail looks better.
Retail, the game plays itself for you. Classic, you have to play and read and find. Retail tells you and shows you, its not a game, its a train track to hell
the addon debate is strange. I love add-on's until I HATE it.
I love the QoL addon's that make the game more personable (WIM for chat, bag addons, bar movers, AH price checkers) and even enjoy some "nerdy" ones like details, I dont mind seeing how well I'm doing and more details on why I died.
My MAIN issue is dungeon/raiding adons that give audio/visual queues and sorta just "build" you a visual guide on the fight in real time. It really kinda kills it for me… back in the day in 2004, I'd watch my dad raiding on wow… his guild would meet outside of onyxia's layer doing a few "run to the center" mock drills before going in and one shotting with by just being prepared. I really liked how you needed the knowledge BEFORE you enter, vs people sorta just reacting to colors and flashing lights, it completely sucks me out of immersion.
Which is a shame, since the dungeons are overtuned to anticipate the usage of these add-ons.
are these retail smooth brains not capable to see everything in retail is made to stretch your gametime? every design ingame is timegated or gated trough 500 different currencies with weekly max lockouts. if you want to grind everything you want in a week time you can't you have to ride the timeline blizzord has set up. and lets not forget the ingame store selling p2w mounts. these are just a few of the major fails of the retail design. my god these people are so dumb. Retail is a glorified mobile game, thats it. there is nothing comparable to classic.
I love listening to these arguments its so funny. I hate what they have done its easy yet these guys are still playing 20 yrs later
Retail is not objectively a prettier game… I personally think that classic is rough but much more charming… I think your friends there might be a bit preoccupied on their own position.