is this going to be in War Within Expansion or NO. I wonder how you can get these mounts i hope its not something to crazy like doing pvp or mythic+ i'm not good aat doing df raids,
in order to collect 32!!!! new mounts i would at least assume that this "limited" time event would give us enough time to at least attempt to collect them all. It would suck if they for example went and said the event lasts like a week or two, but i guess we ll see. I m really excited about the pandaren phoenix mounts, i didn't get them back then as i wasn't playing in mop, so it's really cool to have a chance to get something similar. Cheers Thraun!
Thanks for the update, you’re my go to for what’s to come content wise!
Hope they are not going to have low drop rates, or funky achievements where you need 10 ppl
is this going to be in War Within Expansion or NO. I wonder how you can get these mounts i hope its not something to crazy like doing pvp or mythic+ i'm not good aat doing df raids,
Great video, just a shame blizzard continuously just make recolours of mounts. They have a whole department for actually designing mounts/transmogs…
i need Tusks of Mannoroth 🙂
32 recolor xdd
in order to collect 32!!!! new mounts i would at least assume that this "limited" time event would give us enough time to at least attempt to collect them all. It would suck if they for example went and said the event lasts like a week or two, but i guess we ll see. I m really excited about the pandaren phoenix mounts, i didn't get them back then as i wasn't playing in mop, so it's really cool to have a chance to get something similar. Cheers Thraun!
If there doing all these mounts then I'd love to see some weapon mods return
I got into the PTR but I do not see the ability to play the pandaria stuff. is that not up yet?
One mount I really like to see it return is the moose mount for WOD raiding. Hope one day we can get it again in some way.
To many crane …
So every mount from mop, but recolored
32 mounts=32 recolours, the effort they put in is out of this world,maybe it took them 1 hour to do all 32 of them