32 NEW FOMO MOUNTS Added In Patch 10.2.7! Timerunning: Pandamonium | WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

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13 thoughts on “32 NEW FOMO MOUNTS Added In Patch 10.2.7! Timerunning: Pandamonium | WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria”

  1. is this going to be in War Within Expansion or NO. I wonder how you can get these mounts i hope its not something to crazy like doing pvp or mythic+ i'm not good aat doing df raids,

  2. in order to collect 32!!!! new mounts i would at least assume that this "limited" time event would give us enough time to at least attempt to collect them all. It would suck if they for example went and said the event lasts like a week or two, but i guess we ll see. I m really excited about the pandaren phoenix mounts, i didn't get them back then as i wasn't playing in mop, so it's really cool to have a chance to get something similar. Cheers Thraun!


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