Will the New League of Legends MMO Dethrone World of Warcraft? (My Thoughts)

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Could the League of Legends MMO dethrone World of Warcraft? Many people certainly think so, especially with how big LoL has become over the past several years. The game has grown larger, the world is richer with lore, there’s even a television series (Arcane) on Netflix bringing non-gamers into the world of League of Legends. Could Riot be setting the stage for something massive in the near future, or will this upcoming MMO be just another flop?

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47 thoughts on “Will the New League of Legends MMO Dethrone World of Warcraft? (My Thoughts)”

  1. Personally I worry that Riot's MMO, be it LoL or whatever universe they settle on, isn't going to do anything too new or revolutionary. Unless they decide to go back to maybe some old-school style of MMO design, like SWG with player made cities, elected officials, etc (as one example), I worry that the game won't be "different" enough to draw in the MMO audience. What do you all think though?

    On an unrelated note, currently working on some iRL content for channel Members. If you'd like to become one, check it out here: https://tinyurl.com/5n738rsb

  2. In terms of being a "wow killer" Riot's MMO could, they have the lore, ip, talent, and cash. Although if it contains their current DRM I have my doubts if their popularity can overcome the unpopulaity of such DRM with most PC players. Ashes of Creation I'd give no chance, it can only hope to do well. FF14 can always pass WoW again, it fell behind but not that far.

  3. Every MMO that released since World of Warcraft were all labeled as "WoW killer" before being forgotten in history. Including Elder Scrolls Online which had legendary successes with Skyrim, Oblivion and others. ESO still has an healthy community, but can't be compared to WoW.
    If we follow that trend, my hopes aren't that high. But I don't know, I guess we'll see.

  4. I've played wow for years on and off but honestly even my long lasting butt is bored of blizzards BS, half baked worlds, removal of emote because the blizzard staff couldn't stop playing "cubical woo hoo". Expansions that start off strong but then kinda meh far too often and yeah DF's done a lot but for me personally it's meh. I'm a roleplayer at heart, I love to RP, collect looks and create my own stories and one of those aspects is decorating a digital house. Sure they're adding it NEXT year but it should have been a thing 20 years ago lol.

    As far as a League MMO goes, I wanna see the gameplay AND I wanna see their monetization plan! I don't want another subscription MMO that has extensive online store but the best cosmetics are locked behind real world money via some stupid currently like A lot of online games have. What I REALLY don't want is to be unable to get cool cosmetics that are ONLY on the store, wow has this right now and it's frustrating as hell.

    Something that worries me is that there's never going to be a sense of community as the older games have… why bother not being an A-hat when you'll never see those people again. Perhaps a system to encourage players running dungeons with the same people that gives bonus rep/coin or maybe a chance at improved gear?

    Oh another worry is I wanna see how they handle telegraphed attacks, WoW's sytem is very "maybe" you might be safe or no a tiny particle of the attach touched so you're 1 shot. ESO for example shows me where the bad stuff is clearly there's no guess work and I don't need something like DBM to run dungeons lol. I won't knock League of Onlinecraft just yet but knowing league right now I am more pessimistic than optimistic.

  5. I dont think that it will be.
    The reason why is, I dont think anyone who is still playing WOW is looking for a good game. I think the time of MMOs is long gone, the market is bought up and seperated between like 3 games (WoW, FF14, Oldschool Runescape) which each scratched a different itch and now just have their established playerbase. Together these three take up like 90% of the players that would want to play an MMO seriously, and those people already invested way too much time and effort in their game to switch now. The rest jumps around games like ESO, SW:TOR, and whatever new release comes around.

    I would not be suprised if there are people playing WOW that are almost 50.000 hours deep into the game by now. You are not going to get these people of WoW, no matter what. Same for FF14 and Oldschool Runescape. People have their Guilds, their unlocks, etc.

    I think at best, the League MMO can get some of the tourists.

  6. The early 2000s were a medieval fantasy nerd’s paradise, nothing will recreate that era. Between EQ, Ultima Online, Diablo 2, WC3, WoW, and the LotR movies; they all had very similar elements and all kinda felt connected.

  7. I think League of Legends has the full appeal of player for selling skins. The game is free after all. And you do get free skins as you play the game with hextech chests. Riot has experience to deliver. I would love to see a League of Legends MMO. Love the content Nixxiom !

  8. Honestly… Warcraft's story for me died after the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Arthas was the centerpiece… the literal MAIN CHARACTER for Warcraft for years… His story of tragedy, loss and eventual breaking of his psyche was as good (or better imo) than even the story of Anakin Skywalker. Not to mention all of the other characters with their own stories and sub-plots. (Looking at you Grom Hellscream.) Wrath of the Lich King tied most of it up with an icy bow. (There were a few exceptions like Sylvanas) Everything after that is just… excessive… for the story.

  9. Blizzard made WoW, a game any developer would have been proud of. But to maintain it for 20 years and still have players wanting fixes and changes goes beyond any company expectations.

    Riot made LoL via concepts from WC3 Dota and having it spawn a new type of in-game transaction for North American was also no small feat. They also recently and cleverly preconditioned new audiences to the LoL universe through the Arcane TV show. For their MMO to launch and get audiences to play wouldn’t be an issue. But I feel they will struggle from being spread too thin. They have a fight game coming up too.

    What I really wonder is how they will define the classes for players. Blizzard from the get go had clear classes right from Warcraft RTS days. LoL is all over then place. They have all sorts of characters. Monsters, Heroes, Villians, Politicians, Robots, and etc… not really easy to breakdown for simple division.

  10. Two other promising mmorpgs that are coming up are the warhammer mmorpg that is in produktion and the lotr mmorpg from amazon, the franchises are huge but the studios behind them are not promising. I just hope they dont fuck up

  11. I don't think this game will ever come out. And if it does, it won't be what the mmo playerbase is expecting. They literally said they are scrapping the game because "it's too similar to what's already on the market". Anyways, we'll have to wait between 5 to 10 years to even know…

  12. Depends how woke it's going to be, will it focus more on dei and gender politics rather than gameplay? will it have dungeons that you don't need to be at max level to run through like guildwars 2? will it have tanks healers and dps instead of a you can survive anything if your reflexes are fast enough system? will the gameplay be freecam or will it be top down perspective like the original?

    if you haven't noticed but lately video games have gotten lazy, repetitive, and laced with radical agendas. I'm not going to hold my breath for this game.

  13. What you may forget is time invested. I, for example, have a combines playtime of 1,5 years in WoW and still having a lot of fun with the game. You don't easily just walk away from that and start all over in a new game.

  14. I've been playing League for 12 years, and I can tell you why they scrapped it and started from the beginning. Rito is a cash grab. They have already said it. They only release expensive skins for popular champions. This is the case with the Prestige Zyra skin. They experimented to see if the results were worth it. She is not that popular. Let's not mention the 500$ Ahri skin: 50k rp Jhin skin and such.

    Rito MMO has to be successful. They erase low-popularity mods (twisted tree line, dominion, some PVE stuff, a new 5vs5 mod, etc.). The world is massive with all that lore. Also, it has many, many holes. Suppose they can start with Piltover and Zaun. It will probably be a free-to-play MMO but with strong marketing. Yes, there will be store mounts and skins for sure. I hope they get an idea to release 90$ Brontosaurus.

  15. The only way WoW is ever dethroned is of all the fans since 2004 suddenly died. We're no longer playing because the game is good. We're playing because Azeroth is home to us.


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