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2V2 Ranged PvP Tier list 9.2.5 Season 3 Shadowlands ( Analysis )
Hi guys,
The video starts with a meta analysis for range dps in 3V3 and of course you’ll see the tier list i’ve made based of representation, personal feeling, current experience ( Do I face alot of X Classes? ) etc..
The Timestamps are seen below and you can of course take your time watching / listening to the video where I explain why I’ve put X spec at Y tier.
Thank you for watching !
0:00 Intro
0:45 Start Tier list
1:10 Affliction Warlock
3:25 Arcane Mage
4:30 BM hunters
6:15 Demonology Warlock
8:55 Destruction Warlock
10:12 Elemental Shaman
11:31 Fire Mage
12:57 Frost Mage
14:11 MM Hunter
15:34 Balance Druid
18:00 Shadow Priest
20:30 Last Words
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In case of new viewers, you might wanna tell people about your ingame experience and achievements. People might not know if you're a 1400 player or a multi gladiator and hero of the horde.
Deff dissagree with marksmanship ahead of frost. Frost didnt get hurt as hard as expected. They still are preforming well. Also I think the balance ranking is fair. Its meta but not above meta. Coming from someone who plays a lot of balance.