5 Best Gold Flips In WoW Shadowlands

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WorthIt: youtu.be/x2fOgBYg98g
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Routes-Import/Export: youtu.be/CW2RQZFrf2E
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4 thoughts on “5 Best Gold Flips In WoW Shadowlands”

  1. There's another flip that isn't getting talked about but is an extremely fast and simple flip as long as you are exalted with either proudmoore or zulduzar as well as exalted with at least 1 covenant faction. In boralus and zulduzar, with exalted rep, all vendor mats for all professions in shadowlands is 7.2g each. You can make gold flipping these for much higher than the vendor cost on ah for those who don't have BFA reps at exalted or are too lazy to mail from an alt that does. The biggest flip though is Oboreal Shards at a rep profession vendor anywhere in the zone of a covenant you are exalted with. The shards cost a mere 100g with rep and sell for MUCH more on ah, leading to a huge profit from the mark up. And of course in addition to flipping these mats to others,nyou can make lots of gold taking advantage of the lower vendor prices in order to make cheaper shadowlands tailoring greens either to disenchant or by vendoring the pants which vendor at a profit over the cost of the materials to make them;


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