5 Classes I Could Main If I Abandoned My Rogue In Shadowlands! Patch 9.1 – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1

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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQes399BdRk
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z7EMhznIY0
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lalj4TWf35E
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL9Qb4iPwew
ADDONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrABg_GvOcI


18 thoughts on “5 Classes I Could Main If I Abandoned My Rogue In Shadowlands! Patch 9.1 – WoW: Shadowlands 9.1”

  1. The main reason i dont enjoy rogue and i think if it was like this they would be for starters broken but also my favourite class, is their aoe. Their aoe damage is extremely uninteresting and generally bad, nothing like playing frost mage or windwalker monk. Obviously outlaw has good aoe buts its been nerfed and is 1 button, additionally outlaw doesnt suit other needs so id likely main other rogue specs which do have the inferior aoe.

  2. A bit in legion and Bfa main rogue and I haven't played it since 8.2 I got bored of it i just like more DH Monk or Hunter Warrior. I also like to have a tank spec or at least heal because usually I don't play one dps spec anyway when I have 3 of them and I can look for a group faster as a tank heal

  3. I started SL on my DK UH (who was my main from Wotlk to MOP) I did a break and will return to WoW in september when I will coming back home. And (like always) I Hesitate between taking back my DH (main during Legion/BFA), my Hunter (main during WOD), my monk (never mained but here since Mop) and my war (same).
    UsuaIly I only do M+ 10/15, HM raids and random BG. But this time I would like to do more pvp, start arena and my best times in BG was with this 4 classes.

  4. We only share Paladin in common and I trashed my paladin alt a while ago. Used to main him in BFA & got 1850 rating when paladin was F tier.

    My first choice is shaman. Shaman is an aggressive melee support, aggressive caster support and a healer with an interesting kit. As a healer you still have ranged abilities to dish out damage which is always better than relying on melee range attacks.

    Warrior would be my 2nd. This was my first character. Both arms and fury have my full attention when I play them. The melee range kit means I have to actually be within melee range. I can't ranged silence. I can't snare from +20 meters away. No freedom means we have to be creative. Intervene banner was a very fun mechanic back in MoP. We can equip a shield to play defensive. We can intervene as added mobility, to flee or tank a hit. It's fast, fluid and the rotation for arms has gotten better.

    My #3 is harder to pick. My long history with Demo lock makes me want to choose it, but WoD demo is why I made a warlock in the first place. Destro/Afflic do not grab my attention at all. Destro as a burst spec is not interesting to me. If it's not WoD Demonbolt & metamorph rotation, it's not fun. Demonology now has some extremely interesting mechanics. Call Fel Lord acts as an AoE stun & burst ability. The beholder is a counter to other casters. You have debuffs to deal with every type of pressure, a spammable snare. Your dog minion comes with a purge & kick. Tyrant lengthens the duration of your minions or strengthens them depending on the sequence.

    People tend to make Demo out to be a very simple spec, but with all the mechanics put into consideration, it has enough going for it to be a fun and rewarding spec. That being said, DH is the spellsword I would actually prefer to play over a DK/Paladin.

    #3 is going to be both DH/Warlock.

    #5 would be Paladin just because Savix plays ret and ret is such a nice spec in arenas, bgs, world pvp. The skill ceiling is as high as it needs to be, as rewarding as it needs to be and the class is as simple as it needs to be. It's the perfect balance, just not my preference.

    As a note, I played Frost DK alts up to shadowlands & stopped XP & it just wasn't fun. I took it to bgs, not fun. Very slow, simple, limited spec. Not very rewarding to play well. #3 being DH is purely for aesthetic & double jump & glide reasons. These were educated decisions.


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