BEST M+ Seasonal Affix EVER? New ENCRYPTED Affix Information and Thoughts | Shadowlands 9.2 PTR

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The Shadowlands season 3 affix is finally up on the PTR for testing, so I go through what it is and how it works, as well as how I think it will impact PUG groups and the high key meta. If you enjoyed this video be sure to like and subscribe to the channel to be notified when I post more content like it!

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5 thoughts on “BEST M+ Seasonal Affix EVER? New ENCRYPTED Affix Information and Thoughts | Shadowlands 9.2 PTR”

  1. Right off the bat this seems like a more fun seasonal affix than the previous two. Each of the previous two can have some downsides, and you end up wanting to skip them at times even in 20ish keys.

    I see these just synergizing so much better with the actual dungeon experience. Can't wait to play around with this.

    Great vid!

  2. This looks like a really annoying affix to pug. Oh your dps spamming aoes killed the speed dude first on a pull right before a boss? "Bad tank ur rute sux." This game mode doesn't need more toxicity practically encouraged into it.

  3. Really looking forward to the next season (as resto shaman) because of the double legendaries, venthyr double lego build seems really fun. This affix looks great too, so getting even more exited 🙂


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