5 easy to obtain Transmog Sets for each armor type in World of Warcraft!

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In this video, I’m showing you 5 cool looking transmog sets for each armor type!

Link for the Chosen Dead Sets:

Link for Raging Tempest Sets:

Link for Gilnean Noble’s Suit:

Link for Lord Godfrey’s Old Spectacles:


29 thoughts on “5 easy to obtain Transmog Sets for each armor type in World of Warcraft!”

  1. Great video. And your accent is amazing. That sounds cringe by me writing that but I enjoy meeting people from other countries. Have a great day. Your new friend from USA.

  2. Great video again! I watched the previous one about tier sets and didn’t even know I could do that. Didn’t know about the elemental overflow either so twice I learned something new. By the way I think you’re probably the only one to say that name right. Liked and subscribed 👍🏽

  3. Great videos! I didnt know about how you get the transmogs from those legendary tokens. Time to do some shopping. Thank you 😃. Btw how do you make your unitframes with a black border?

  4. Looks like the warband currency was fixed. So you're able to transfer elemental overflow again. Was able to complete Plate, Mail, and part of cloth transferring around. Also was able to gat the halls of Valor sets on heroic thanks to your guide. And to top it all off the free t-shirt canon was spitting out t-shirts in the Dwarven District of Stormwind, lol. It was a productive day for my transmog collection.


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