I got the White Hawkstrider in one of my first runs of Magister’s Terrace around the tome the Fury of the Sunwell was released in TBC. I didn’t even know it could drop, or that it was a rare drop. It actually dropped for me again recently in TBC timewalking, but everyone in the group dipped before I could ask in chat if anyone needed it! I’ve been quite lucky with mounts recently. Got the Time-Lost Proto Drake and Phospherescent Stone Drake in the same week. Got the Kaldoreo Nightsaber to drop, the Great Brewfest Kodo, Headless Horseman’s Mount (first run this year), and the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent (I got the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent one of my first Huolon kills when Timeless Isle first released in MoP, similar to the Hawkstrider not knowing it can happen). All of those drops (aside from the ones specified otherwise), have come since I reinstalled WoW a few days before TWW launch.
One night randomly I had the craziest luck of all time I got Invincible and Ashes within the same hr of each other, I think I killed each them maybe 4 times max before then. But my luck or lack there of has balanced out heavy towards the other side where I can’t get anything rare to drop for me now lol
I was a new player back in 2015 and I came across someone using Invincible. I told my now husband that I would love that mount. He said “yeah, right” but took me to ICC anyway to give it a shot. It dropped on the first try. He was LIVID. 😂
I got invincible twice, ashes in 6 tries, headless horseman in one season and the Whitehawk mount by accident on a timewalking dungeon
Got Invincible in my 1st run of ICC…i think the one who brought me in game regret it 😂😢.
I liked World of Warcraft, but I liked Dark Age of Camelot more. The three factions and the keeps made it better, imo.
aeonaxx costs like 200k lol, other mounts are buyable for 1-2m on bmah too
i got ashes in like in under 10 tries. onyxia took me the longest. rivendales death chargers was a close second.
God I miss old WoW back than doing vanilla tbc mounts and titles meant so much and everyone was looking at u like you the best player lol
I got the White Hawkstrider in one of my first runs of Magister’s Terrace around the tome the Fury of the Sunwell was released in TBC. I didn’t even know it could drop, or that it was a rare drop. It actually dropped for me again recently in TBC timewalking, but everyone in the group dipped before I could ask in chat if anyone needed it! I’ve been quite lucky with mounts recently. Got the Time-Lost Proto Drake and Phospherescent Stone Drake in the same week. Got the Kaldoreo Nightsaber to drop, the Great Brewfest Kodo, Headless Horseman’s Mount (first run this year), and the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent (I got the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent one of my first Huolon kills when Timeless Isle first released in MoP, similar to the Hawkstrider not knowing it can happen). All of those drops (aside from the ones specified otherwise), have come since I reinstalled WoW a few days before TWW launch.
Barons mount took me like 65 tries 😂
Phosphorescent Stone Drake is one of the prettiest mounts in the game, just because of the color.
My rarest mount was the Azure Drake from Eye of Eternity, I got it my second ever time farming that raid for transmogs.
I got both firelands mount in one run. And invincible and jikun in one week. No one believes me lol
One night randomly I had the craziest luck of all time I got Invincible and Ashes within the same hr of each other, I think I killed each them maybe 4 times max before then. But my luck or lack there of has balanced out heavy towards the other side where I can’t get anything rare to drop for me now lol
I have swift spectral tiger, all ZG mounts, mimirons head, all sorts of em lol
Ashes got me triggered af 😂😂 I’m 4-5months 😂
My dad gave me hes Account. Not much skin sets,but He have nearly ALL pets and rides
Solar Spirehawk took me the longest to get
My top would be
5. Tazavesh plate and Zul'Gurub raptor (both from the Quantum Courser)
4. Galleon and Nalak mounts (same week)
3. Azure Drake, Mimiron's Head, Invincible, and Mollie (same week)
2. Grey Camel
1. Void Talon
Brooo no way I also got the Ashes on my 2nd attempt
I have been trying for ashes for almost 5 years every week lol
Why do they call it invincible if you can see it?
Invincible droped > went to Ulduar mimiron head droped, all in 40min span.
I think the only rare-ish mount I have is Lucid Nightmare
Traded and she still didn’t let him hit
Ashes is two tries makes me angry 😂😂😂
I was a new player back in 2015 and I came across someone using Invincible. I told my now husband that I would love that mount. He said “yeah, right” but took me to ICC anyway to give it a shot. It dropped on the first try. He was LIVID. 😂