5 Insane Mounts I Own In World Of Warcraft!

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This Video Goes Over 5 Mounts I Own In The Game ” World Of Warcraft”

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25 thoughts on “5 Insane Mounts I Own In World Of Warcraft!”

  1. I got the White Hawkstrider in one of my first runs of Magister’s Terrace around the tome the Fury of the Sunwell was released in TBC. I didn’t even know it could drop, or that it was a rare drop. It actually dropped for me again recently in TBC timewalking, but everyone in the group dipped before I could ask in chat if anyone needed it! I’ve been quite lucky with mounts recently. Got the Time-Lost Proto Drake and Phospherescent Stone Drake in the same week. Got the Kaldoreo Nightsaber to drop, the Great Brewfest Kodo, Headless Horseman’s Mount (first run this year), and the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent (I got the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent one of my first Huolon kills when Timeless Isle first released in MoP, similar to the Hawkstrider not knowing it can happen). All of those drops (aside from the ones specified otherwise), have come since I reinstalled WoW a few days before TWW launch.

  2. One night randomly I had the craziest luck of all time I got Invincible and Ashes within the same hr of each other, I think I killed each them maybe 4 times max before then. But my luck or lack there of has balanced out heavy towards the other side where I can’t get anything rare to drop for me now lol

  3. My top would be

    5. Tazavesh plate and Zul'Gurub raptor (both from the Quantum Courser)
    4. Galleon and Nalak mounts (same week)
    3. Azure Drake, Mimiron's Head, Invincible, and Mollie (same week)
    2. Grey Camel
    1. Void Talon

  4. I was a new player back in 2015 and I came across someone using Invincible. I told my now husband that I would love that mount. He said “yeah, right” but took me to ICC anyway to give it a shot. It dropped on the first try. He was LIVID. 😂


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