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Intro Song:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Video starts at 1:00, your welcome.
I don’t like the gender change from the barber shop tbh…
1:00 Weather
3:15 Main Quest markers
4:40 Covenant-based abilities/interactions in dungeons
5:59 Backwards run animation
6:38 Countdown clock for pulling
7:12 Change gender at barber shop
I hope Revendreth rains blood like the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. Such a cool effect.
You can get a sex change at the barbershop? Seems legit lol
You can say "fantastical" if you want an adjective connected to fantasy. Fantastic can work, but it has a lot of connotations of simply "great", so I'd pick fantastical.
Covenant buffs to mythic dungeons are literally the worst fucking idea. #unsubscribe
Changing sex at the barbershop? That's huge!
It's pronounced ArdenWEEald. That's not really an opinion thing, it's spelled that way and Ion says it that way so… yeah.
If you want it to sound cool and german it should have been spelled Ardenwald and in such a case the w should be pronounced like a 'v'.
I think I might say it that way because it sounds cooler actually xD
but yeah it's supposed to be WEEald
Ion: we want more role play fantasies so we lock your ability to switch covenant freely.
Also Ion: oh yeah you can change your gender for free now, that cant be hurting the role play aspect at all right?
god damn it ur channel has such good info but its so hard to understand u. just.. the way u speak, the words blend together. even when you say your channel name it sounds like u said "welcome t'zalaran gaming"
I know about all the major stuff in shadowlands but I didnt know most of these small new features. Thanks Dal!
Lol outlaw…. Alredy
I watched a video that showed that weather effects as part of the anima activation mechanic of some areas. Maybe it's linked to that.
Im sorry, change your gender?! Wow, i legit never thought that would become a thing, thats so sick!!!
Race change should be free
Swap gender freely for just a few golds… I wonder when will Blizzard add neutral gender or ** like that
that venthyr rogue transmog looks so awesome
Still looking for someone to cover crafting. Stuff that affects raids like cooking (feasts) and alchemy (flasks) and whether or not its still going to utilize a lot of game time farming excessive amounts of items. Whether the other skills are gonna be pretty useless over time.
I love the new weather, maybe in venthyr it'll rain blood or something like that
Hmm does the night elfs day/night passive racial become affected by this zone? I mean is there a day and night? If so, then how? When flying it looks like your just flying through a nebula with a weird swirl in the distance so does that swirl work like the sun?
omg finally they include the map mark and link function. i always missed that a lot since i had that in ff
I guess even Dalaran doesn't know that bosses can be stunned in Shadowlands.
Bastion in shadowlands and Mac' Acree on Argus have similar plant life. Funny that Argus represents Death as well. hmmmm
Did they just kill backpaddle ? How can we recognize noobs now ?
Ardenwold ???
The weather is going to be different in SL!
On Beta in Bastion there was one hell of a Anima storm! Lights like when you travel thru the worm hole from Oribos to Bastion (and others) flashing lights, fast moving clouds and the sound of extremely strong winds, as well as debris being blown everywhere!! When on for more than 10 minutes straight. Was so loud it eventually got annoying. Logged out and back in, sky as clear as a bell!!
Cool things! Didn’t knew a few of these
should check out the PTR later!
The Countdown is in the game for a long time. With /pull X you are able to use the countdown on live.
Beasts = SATAN and his demons
World of Warcraft is another evil, occult game.
WoW is the works of that crooked serpent whose name is Satan, deceiving many souls to HELL!!!! When a person logs into their account on WoW, each time they log in, they are entering a "DEMONIC PORTAL" and it messes up a person’s mind, body and soul. Did you know that this game is linked to many suicides that people do not realize?
The game(s) require invocation and obedience and use Masonic language such as "brotherhood".
The characters are depictions of biblical false gods and very unpleasant ones, PLAYERS ARE DOING THE BIDDING OF DEMONS, – or the virtual idea of a demon, this is spiritual idolatry.
Not to mention the hundreds of illuminati symbolism that can be found in these games, in "WoW", "Grand Theft Auto", etc… there is a lot of use of the word "obey" and they even show ELF towers (extremely low frequency) for your brainwashing and mind control.
And lastly they show CERN symbols as well as IXXI part of which is incomplete just as on the US dollar incomplete pyramid indicating that the portal is not fully open yet, this can be seen in the game "Doom".
Blizzard entertainment is known for making games in the following series:
Diablo = devil
Starcraft = star-ships
Warcraft = skilled in war
World of Warcraft = world of skillful war
Overwatch = to watch over or weary by keeping awake
Please watch
Satan will do his best to keep you away from God to divert your mind, body and soul and make you give your full attention to satan, who is the father of all lies and the deceiver to all those who follow him, they are all DECEIVED. You are obeying his filthy, devious ways and corrupting your minds by playing GAMES, all games in general. All games are a DIVERSION, it keeps you away from God and giving Him ALL the Glory, Honour and Praise. Let that SINK IN!!!!!! Stay away from playing games on your devices and your laptops. KEEP AWAY from Final Fantasy, Pirate 101, Hay Day, Paradise Bay, Minecraft and many, many more. When you see games, just RUN AWAY as fast as you can because that is a sign of evil, no matter how cute and innocent it looks, it is disguised and the fruit is very evil. You will eventually reap those wicked fruits, into your life. Stay away!!!!
I pray that it will open your eyes to see that these games are VERY EVIL and WICKED!!
Ephesians 5:11-12 KJB – 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Now you know because you read the truth about these evil, demonic games but…….. if you still continue to play these games, you are playing with fire that comes from the pits of hell. You all were warned!!
Here is a message for lost souls – Jesus Christ is God, manifest in the flesh and He came on earth to die for our sins. He bore our sins on the cross of Calvary. Have you accepted His free gift of Salvation? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? Have you truly BELIEVED from your heart that Jesus Christ is LORD? Have you BELIEVED in the death, burial and resurrection found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KING JAMES Bible? That's how a lost soul can get saved.
Remember that it's NOT what we do that gets us saved, it's what Jesus Christ DID on the cross of Calvary, that's what SAVES a lost soul.
All you have to do to be saved, and on your way to heaven is place your TRUST in the shed Blood of Jesus Christ and nothing else, as sufficient for your salvation, (Romans 3:25 KJB – "Whom God hath set forth to be a PROPITIATION through FAITH IN HIS BLOOD, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;")
(Propitiation means the act of appeasing wrath, Jesus took your place on the cross.)
Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour by simple faith, simply trusting in his shed Blood which is sufficient to save your soul from hell?
The last sentence is all you must do to be saved, and that is FAITH, not works, TRUSTING in what someone else did for you is the only thing that is not a work.
How To Lead A Soul To Jesus Christ
Please watch:
Please get saved NOW before it's too late for your soul!! There's 1 Eternity to choose from, Heaven or Hell, choose wisely for your souls!!
Grace and Peace to all in Christ Jesus!!
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sand, Amen!!
Do you get a name change when you change gender?