5 MORE UI Upgrades! Giant Beta Class Changes, Crafting, Login Screen & MORE!

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Even more UI improvements, sweeping class changes, WoW’s return to China, and much more!
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45 thoughts on “5 MORE UI Upgrades! Giant Beta Class Changes, Crafting, Login Screen & MORE!”

  1. I love the macro slots, i NEEDED those. Im playing with modifier macros, and use them for focus/party/arena or just other abilities. Was constantly running out of macro space 🙏

  2. Is Hunter now the only class that didn't keep a covenant ability?
    Considering the one we kept was the sectond-least-common anyway it wasn't much. I really do not understand why we didn't get to keep some version of Wild Spirits…

  3. Reducing leech is fine whatever, sucks but I get it especially as a healer. But gutting avoidance is CHEEKS. Because at the highest end in m+ you NEED that shit so great now I need twice as much of it to do the same as it was doing, it just makes it even more valuable. At least as far as I can tell they have not changed scaling with ilvl, which means if you get a drop or vault slot with leech or avoidance as a tertiary it'll still scale with ilvl so it's still going to get pretty high.

  4. I do wonder why it's taken them THIS long to implement the shaman changes… it's been basically silent ever since they implemented the totemic tree. I do hope it's major, because they REALLY need some major fixes and changes.

  5. This is ridiculous 20% tax on stuff I rransfer to my alts. I spend the time, I earn the reward. Why do I have to tax MYSELF just to transfer it to another character of mine? WHY?!! No fking deal I wont do it then Warband can go to hell then!

  6. Only thing I want from the crafting system is the ability to recraft publicly. If you arent on a massive server or at the beginning of a patch, trade chats are dead for trying to find someone who can recraft higher end gear. They could make it require a commission of 5k and I would still be up for that instead of taking a week or two to get someone who responds.

  7. I just looked at a video where they did a compilation of the wow log on screens..here my suggestion..allow the player to choose from option of what they want there login screen to be from one of the past expansions or create a long on screen depicting..the 20 th anniversary of wow.

  8. To answer your macro question, I pretty much macro every attack, so that by default it attacks my target, but if I hold alt then it attacks my mouseover. I have a similar arrangement for leap of faith, default it grips my target, alt it grips my mouseover, because sometimes when someone goes flying off the platform I want to make sure that when I throw my cursor in their general direction and spam leap that I don't pull my target by accident. Also target reticule abilities, default is @cursor and alt to place the ability the default way, using the green projected texture.

  9. Id like to see an AI large language model in wow where you have a stone that lets you talk to & ask khadgar some questions.

    Where can I find "x"? How do I get "x"? What is the drop rate of "x"? How often does "x" occur? Why can't I "x"? How can I "x"? Etc.

    Then have khadgar give some wizardy response. Sure, it may hurt player interactions but as is, all I get 9/10 times is radio silence or an asshole response followed by google searching my question


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