Is Patch 9.1.5 Worth Playing or Coming Back For?

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Patch 9.1.5 just went live for Shadowlands, and it contains a lot of quality of life updates. But is this patch worth playing, or coming back to the game for?
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20 thoughts on “Is Patch 9.1.5 Worth Playing or Coming Back For?”

  1. 'Eve online exists' and i think i am off to play that, because in this game, various content creators say, that the grind is actually rewarding or at least ( brings the feeling).
    And thankyou so much for bringing us the wow news. ☝👍

  2. I only did one round of the Korthia stuff, but the QOL improvements have me back to catch up. I haven’t done all the covenants, so being able to switch once I cap renown has me excited.

  3. I look at 9.1.5 as the icing on the cake when 9.2 launches. So for now I am not resubbing. Still no reason when other games are more fun atm.

    It’ll make 9.2 just a little bit sweeter whenever that happens next year 😅

  4. We are weeks away from killing jaina on HC. So after that i will retire from wow and blizzard games until they get their heads straight. So blizzard is now implementing changes that was requested in the ALPHA !!! They got their heads up their a***es…


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