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The number one reason: It's not Shadowlands.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yes.
The whole idea of playing an MMO solo is pretty much the funniest thing ever to me.
MMO gameplay is shit, that's not why we play it.
We play it because it's an MMO.
About class design, I definitely think TBC is better than retail in this regards, but there's still some glaring balance issues. Melee dps is just too weak for example. Shaman stacking is just not good for the game. Overall TBC is by far better but think there's still plenty of room for improvement in TBC class design.
On retail NPC are much more social in the open world than random real players.
"What makes a MMO good is making the game an actual MMO." BIG TRUE. Retail WoW feels more like a mobile cell game than a MMO, sadge.
Shadowlands was fun for awhile but now it’s time for TBC.
"Do you guys remember when you first played World of Warcraft and saw Outland as an undiscovered part of the map?"
No, because I started in 2004… Okay? 😉
I know what you're saying and I agree about the social aspects… but I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggles to talk to people… Speaking to people I don't know is nerve-wracking and LFG makes that so much easier, yes it's repetitive and it gets so boring sometimes, but retail is more accessible to anyone
Ye but retail is focues completly on something else 😀 it's like comparing child and adult
Retail is more END game oriented so lvling doesn't matter only dungeon/raids/pvp
Classic and classic TBC is more oriented on lvling becuase lvling is the END game in those 2 Games xD
when you are 70 you are doing the same thing as on retail dungeons/pvp/raids
but you need to grind materials for you profesions and that is lot of hours you need reputations and that is lot of hours 😀
look at it like this classic / TBC/ WOTLK/early Cata Those games were similar to each other now when they released MOP it was still felt like wow but something changed there i don't know exactly what but that was the POINT where blizzard knew that people like more dungeons/pVP / raids than lvling
A warlock decurse?
Not having Dual Spec will be the death of me.
Even though I am the least MMO player playing MMO and my dream is standalone WoW BG/Arena client I must agree on sandbox part. On TBC levelling and exploring was torture to me, doing any kind of PVE from single dungeon to raid was torture to me. Doing stressful ranked content was torture for me. So I never did any of them(except levelling). All I ever wanted was being solo rogue PvP player with no guild. 100% of my playtime I was parked in front off battleground masters or ganking. Did not have to talk to anyone, did not have to do anything. I could be that asocial solo rogue having fun in MMO world if I wanted to. Now I feel forced to do so many things I dont want to all the time. I still just want to be that BG spamming / ganking player never saying a thing ignoring both social and PvE aspects of the game but I cant. Unranked BG gear feels like green gear while full merciles set in TBC during vengeful season felt good. Not the best but gave me fighting chance against everybody as solo player. On retail as solo random BG player I am just target dummy to every high rated competitive PvP player or high mythic player with some versatility put on. Everything is about ilvl. I feel no longer in charge of my experience. So even as absolute opposite of everything you are talking about I still prefer TBC experience over retail any time…
Classic – Wrath. The game was an MMO. Great story. Strong community. Huge open world play with interaction with other players. Post Wrath WoW is an E sport. Everything is based around endgame and mostly balanced around endgame arena. No community needed and mostly a 1 player game completed through random ques
I would be cautiously optimistic for TBC classic. With the addition of the level boost, I suspect Blizzard is up to its old tricks again.
Wow tbc isn’t even worthy of the name classic anymore the community plus blizzards changes to it mainly char boost I’ll try beta but I’m probably done with classic this isn’t gonna be the tbc u remember unfortunately
While I agree with many points you stated, I do want to express why I think the talent system example is a poor example. This is not to say that Blizzard has done the best job balancing the new talent system or has even picked the best re-design option of the talent system. I also want to preface this by saying that I like the old talent trees better, but they do present some very major flaws as you gain more points.
In BFA, with the old talent system, there would have been 111 talent points to spend for 12 classes and 36 specs. My presumption with so many talent points to spend, the individual power of each talent will drop as expansions roll out and you gain more points to spend. There would be an overwhelming amount of locked in talents that are 'mandatory' (one example would be fury warriors Cruelty talent) These talents, while useful are not fun or interesting, and there would be so much more of these kinds of talents with more levels.
Now having to balance all 36 specs for 111 talent points and you can begin to see how uninspired these talent trees would become.
Again, this is not to say that the current talents are balanced or fun, but if you currently think that this system is bad, I can only imagine it would have been worse with the old system.
i really enjoyed Shadowlands leveling from 50 to 60, but once i got to 60 in Shadowlands i quickly returned to WoW Classic.
Retail have very little to keep me entertained for the game, meanwhile in WoW Classic i can easy make my own adventure and focus on things myself want.
Shadowlands is good. TBC will be my main game though.
People changed, not the game. Play non-meta class in tbc and you will quickly learn it. Anyone is minmaxing, watching tier lists, guides, streams.
10:50 It's exactly the Opposite, take a Shadow Priest in BC for an Example there are 2 viable Builds to play it, a pvp and a pve build and when you mess up 1 Point in the wrong Talent you instantly get flamed for doing so, so no Freedom at all in this System. Second there aren't really any benefits from the Talentsystem at all. 80% of them are flat Stats with a few abilities you have to take no matter what and if you take them your damage rotation doesn't change at all. Imagine playing Shadow without Vampiric Touch in Tbc.
Even tho I agree with most of the video, I don't agree with the adventure concept at #1.
You weren't exactly "free" since the zones had a level requirement to get the quests or even to be able to "do them". On the other hand I understand what you mean, not everything is tied to a single questline, each zone has its story.
I mean the old talent system will just result is one spec everyone does, it's no different to today. People will just choose the most optimal spec for dps/tank/heal
I remember how amazing it was to explore Azeroth as a new player in late 2008. I don't think you can recapture that feeling if you've leveled lots of alts the way I did over the years – they aren't unexplored areas, they are just flight points to collect.
If I do play TBC Classic I think I want to try – Make a new character. Group up and make friends. Join a Guild. Have some adventurers. Delete the Character. Rinse and Repeat – because apparently that is the best part of the game.
Ok its time to face the wrath of your fanbase, I rly like your videos btw.
I will try to show you my point of view as a retail player, who is raiding mythic 2 times a week for 3 and a half hour. Going point by point just like you.
1. Adventure – you said that TBC is more sandboxy, that players can take is from whatever side they want, thats true, but thats because quests have little to no value in storytelling. Also about that leveling process, in retail you are leveling fast just to reach a lategame, thats true, but in TBC tahts even worse, you rush to lvl 70 just to face a wall in reps, atounments, I get it, it was a way of progression but definetly not fun, the way that people in your guild are expecting to finish all the atounments in first week of expack.
2. Thats actually true, I miss quests that were actually walls that i couldnt tackle alone. Game went into a not so good direction that only social thinks you have to do are guild activities. Proffesions are also the think that the retail is missing.
3. What grind ? In retail actually there is no grind whatsoever, almost all activities you are doing, that are kinda mandatory, are connected to a player power. Its kinda not fair that you are talking about Shadowlands, showing the BFA content which, thats true, was too heavy in grinding. In addition TBC grinds were much more mandatory than even BFA ones (again atounments)
4. HOW, how class design is better in TBC than in any other expack after TBC, most classes are useless in some scenarios, there is so much dead specs… You are talking about priest taking VT "to give mana to other players", thats SO not true, priests were taking it because it dealt DAMAGE, if it wouldnt 1% of shadow would pick it, same goes to ENCH, they were not taking 10% ap for others but for themself.
5.About talents, I also miss the old points system, it had more RPG feel to it, but that system had flaws also, you are saying that there was so much builds. There wasnt ! There were 1 for PVE and 1 for PVP thats all.
I dont think that TBC is bad, and i dont think that Shadowlands are the best, like i said those are 2 different games, TBC was developed in time when I was young, and I have great memories, but I know that the time invesment for me is not worth it, because its not new, all bosses will die 1 shot, because people know exactly what is happening and how to tacle everything, for me its just not fun, and Shadowlands are, because its new, and i dont need 40 hours a week to play it.
Thanks for reading if anyone did
Real talk though, i'm sure Shadowlands would be fun to play, but I only have time to play one, and for me TBC is the superior choice.
0:26 "Im just some nerd on the internet…" Hahahahah really cracked me up xD
of course, you already know everything that will happen. and so much freetime when you clear raids in a day 🙂
The Truth is that all you hating on SL did not played TBC and will quit after 1 week or retail i just to hard for you.
You know asmond will be watching this
Nice nostalgia glasses ngl
that talent thing at the end is soooo true, but it's true in more ways than you realize. here's what i think happened to blizzard over the years. the talents started getting pruned in cata because essentially it was getting to be just a ton of talents. then it got pruned further in pandaria and i'm convinced the second pruning happened because blizzard was seeing a massive gap in top players vs bottom players and were wanting to thin the gap so to speak. there are other things that have happened too, like reforging i think went away purely because it was another way that min/maxers were making the gap bigger in that way. then look at all the things you used to be able to chain together in one macro to just massively boost your dps for a huge burst window (think trinkets+class ability+etc) because doing that obviously led to higher numbers for the players smart enough to do it and lower numbers for the people who couldn't do it. then look at secondary stat weights. each expansion it's gotten closer and closer to the same with main stat being so high. why? so that any idiot can just grab the next highest item level and be good. so we have had our classes dumbed down to the point that the only thing standing between the top and the bottom is ability to hit buttons in correct sequence and for some classes even that's not all that difficult.
If you like Classic – play it.
If you like TBC – play it.
If you like Retail – play it.
After i quit on cataclysm i went to play tbc pservers, and my problem with tbc was that a casual player who loves to do arena, you have to play meta classes or you wont br competitive in arena, cuz they fidnt quite balance it out…for me Wotlk was the golden age
Wow = Wasting of your life and relationship fails due to wasting your life on this game. Vanilla has lots of it, waiting to creat a group, waiting for people to get to the dungeon or raid, waiting when you wipe, waiting for everyong to walk back after a wipe….. waiting.. waiting.. grinding… its a waste of your life. Ass numbing grinding.
Good game tho lol
Dead game!
12:45 😀 😀 😀 LOL That was really funny 🙂
Maybe it’s more fun. But shadowlands has mythic raiding. TBC has bosses with 2 mechanics. That’s the selling point for me.
There is nothing retail does better imo other than more detailed raid fights and graphical upgrades, that's literally it.
I wouldn't mind if they upgraded TBC classic with some of the graphical upgrades, upright Orcs for example.
This could also be the reason why classic had to be better than retail than we all knows how it ended
They are different games, so no one is better than the other
Great video ! You put words on what i feel since the end of wotlk.
The death of the talent tree wrecked the game.
Waiting for the "Why BFA Classic will be better than wotlk Classic" Video
Retail feeling like you’re in a race to keep up with everyone else is so true! I hate feeling like I’m being punished for having a life outside of WoW.
Good vid mate. Yeah, I haven't played retail since WoD. I really hated the direction the game was going. Tbh, I didn't play MoP much either.
Looking forward to stepping trough the portal once again in Classic TBC though 🙂