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Stay a while and listen as I go through five things you can do NOW to prepare for WoW Classic’s upcoming Season of Discovery!
🔥NEW Video: 5 NEW Gold Making Tips for WoW Season of Discovery! (WoW Classic SoD) 🔥:
All known Runes (so far) of Season of Discovery AND their specific gear slots:
WoW Classic leveling guides:
WoW Classic Popular Addons List:
WoW Classic Class-specific Addons and Macros guides:
Known NEW Profession Recipes coming to Season of Discovery:
Treats for Greatfather Winter quest (Small Eggs):
Small egg potential farming spots:
👉Follow me on Twitch for spicy gold making & chat sessions:
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🎧Check out MY SPOTIFY “Best of Diablo” Playlist:
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#seasonofdiscovery #wow #wowclassic
👋Hey guys! I haven't made a WoW video in a while, but am coming back for Season of Discovery! With that said, are you prefer World of Warcraft or Diablo IV videos from my channel? I've love to know!
As a 2005 wow veteran, i approve this video, especially for beginners. Great job, my guy! 🙂 Let's all enjoy SoD.
If you're planning to get ahead and rush to 25, "You think you do, but you don't". Pre-planning this type of launch is counter-productive and unnecessary. Don't overthink it or you miss the whole point.
We are 8 old friends from 2005 who coming back for last time!!! Seasons discovery feels so intressting!! and fun! this time we will choose alliance! give horde hard time in pvp,.
Videos like this are such trash
Good video. Is there an addon that will show on the map for both mining and herbing ?
While i get this is part of the content world, i hope more players embrace the discovery side and dont race to optimal. Its lvl 25 plenty of time to discover and access everything.
I just realized, these runes are probably going to take up bag/bank space, no? 😛
gold and gear, therefor professions aswell, lose value after a month or 2 when a new leveling phase commences. I wouldn't waste time with any goldmaking or profession guides, just relax and have fun, don't grind anything, they made this for casual play to switch between.
Is it free?
Is SoD just a temporary thing?
Do you have to make a new character for this or any wotlk character at any level will do?
those "s"s are sharp lol
hey weird question, there was an super long dumb comment on ur video a few days ago about how shit SoD was gonna be and how it was just gonna be retail, did you delete that comment or did he delete it? i wanted to screenshot it to show my friend 😂 pls if u have comment moderation hidden it, can you un-hide so i can send it?
thanks for the video, looking forward to sod !!!
I really am excited and definitely want to optimize while I explore. I’m so damn interested in where tf my runes will be found for the 3 classes/specs I will be enjoying this season look forward to the battle against you in ashensvale and maybe teaming up with you on the other side with my shaman😂.
Will the server close after a year too?
RestedXP should have got a mention alongside questie. The trial version takes you to 20ish (it took me to 24), so even on the free trial it will get you 90% of the way, then finish off with dungeons to get gear.
Do we know if you can hot swap runes? Say I'm against casters so want the interrupt rune in for a little bit
Forsen, Forsen! I'm your number one fan!