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Music Intro – For Vikings by Berserkyd
Music Berserkyd
Time Stamps
Start 00:00
Runes – 1:10
Runic Power – 2:15
Base Line Abilities – 2:56
Passive Abilities – 5:36
Defensive Abilities – 6:45
Utility Abilities – 9:46
Talents – 11:06
Rotation – 14:09
AOE Cap – 18:52
Stats – 19:22
Runeforging – 21:29
Enchants – 24:05
Time Stamps
Runes – 1:10
Runic Power – 2:15
Base Line Abilities – 2:56
Passive Abilities – 5:36
Defensive Abilities – 6:45
Utility Abilities – 9:46
Talents – 11:06
Rotation – 14:09
AOE Cap – 18:52
Stats – 19:22
Runeforging – 21:29
Enchants – 24:05
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A Note Around Pre Patch
In Pre Patch, Ossuary will move to a passive gained at level 58. This means you won't have the passive effect in pre patch or whilst leveling. However, you will return to the same style of gameplay in Shadowlands, meaning there is no reason to fall out of practice with the correct rotation and bone shield management.
Rune Tap
To expand on Rune Tap, no one is saying it is a bad ability, it's just worth noting it's not just 'free', there is a caveat in using it. Do not get me wrong, if there is an ability with that much front loaded damage that will kill you without the 20% DR, then it has a place. Majority of the time though, pooling runic power for Death Strikes around those moments, is generally a better option than getting caught with low runic power and going ham on Rune Tap.
Part 2
Part 2 will be delayed as close to Shadowlands launch as possible. Part 1 was relatively safe to make due to the core mechanics around the rotation/toolkit etc. not likely to see change between now and launch. Covenants, Soulbinds, Conduits and Legendaries are still a minefield at the moment. In an effort to ensure the information that comes out is correct, I'll hold off on creating Part 2 for as long as possible.
Hey Dark, is there anywhere i Can find your weakauras? I really like them.
So, my only prior tanking as blood dk was back in wotlk/cata as a unholy/blood DK since im trying to tank again in SL if im not mistaken i should only use DnD when Crimson Scourge Procs? no point in using it before it procs?
Its a shame that they swapped weapon switching mid fight but i can see why
Thanks again mate! Much love
Great video! I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed when I saw all of the DK talents generalized over all specs.
Thanks for the video! Can't wait to see next part of this guide, and mythic+ guides! In BFA I managed to close 10+ keys in time only after watching your videos 😉
hi all look for some advice go in to shadowlands i play alliance blood dk mechagnome but thinking about race changing
What an awesome guide! you are the DK man!!
any chance for link to ur UI? seems AWESOME!
What makes death pact a trap? Looks like a big oh shit moment heal
azerite traits? which to set for blood dk?
Do dks have any weak aura that shows the current heal value of death strike?
So it appears the basics are unchanged. I mean there are a few minors, but we are vastly unchanged. I am curious about the conduit and covenant choices. I think that will be the real meat of this whole thing. Can you give some secondary stat percentage targets?
Awesome video I love your content you talk a lot about the niche stuff you only find out by experience. You got me hyped with litchborne + deathcoil and the runeforge weapon swap but looks likes blizzard doesn't like fun.
Can u link your weakauras pls?
Are u sticking with the dk as a main for shadowlands? I am thinking bout rolling 1 for main. But having a yt channel to fall back on for info bout the dk would be sweet.
I have every class at max level in WoW and understand most of them and their specs. DK has always been one that I've just never quite grasped due to the runes and generally just not finding that guides on youtube help me that much. This video has 100% helped me finally understand how these guys work and how I should be playing them. Thanks so much dude, I really appreciate this content and will be trying out my DK again tonight!
Such an amazing guide. Many thanks for sharing.
Great video! I'm maining Blood DK this expac, and relied a lot on your videos to get me through BFA. So was REALLY excited to see this guide. Even more excited to see part 2. Keep up the great work! 🙂
15:10 spread STD haha
Love your videos. You get right to the point with information, and you're clear and concise.
Aaaaaaah blood do most boring tank… Its my main tho
Absolutely love your transmog any way you can throw me a bone on what you are using?
Good guide mate, actually my choice was between bdk and brm, going brewmaster myself.
As a newbie to Blood DK, I'm not sure I understand purgatory. What's the likelihood that it kills you? Just makes me hesitant to take it.
IS blood dk dmg so bad that its not worth playing? seen lots of clips where ppl run dungeons and the dmg is just crap. hard to keep treat and stuff
When is Part 2 out?
Whats add ons do you use?
Really cool video, could you maybe go into soulbinds, covenants , and so on in the next one 🙂
would you be willing to export your exact weak auras that you are currently using so that i may just copy pasta?