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I decided to go back and test Shadowlands Skinning after the prices have gone down, and I ended up making 55k gold per hour! This is my first video in a video series I am planning where I test out different Shadowlands Goldfarms and see if they are still worth it and how much gold per you can get from those goldfarms. In my opinion Skinning is still definitely worth it, and 55k gold per hour is definitely a good benchmark, and I didn’t even have good RNG, this is roughly the average gold per hour you should get with average RNG (14-16 Heavy Callous per hour)! Let me know which goldfarm you want me to test out next, or which profession you want me to test out!
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#wow #shadowlands #goldfarm
I know, I know, this is my 99999th Skinning Video but LISTEN! I wanna test out different goldfarms in Shadowlands to find the best one, and I happened to be Skinning last night and I figured I'd use Loot Appraiser while Skinning and this happened! Also, the LootAppraiser is going by AVERAGE Gold Prices accross all EU Realms btw!
Also, if you want to support me on Patreon:
Ferm Narfed!
Studen still swears by Skinning so it cannot be dead possibly right 😀
Watching your stream dude 🙂 Skinning has been OP for a while now so i would like to see which farms are great atm (other than BOE farming)
On my server heavy call cost 855 gold. NICE
with BOE farms getting you 30-40k/h i can't see skining being worth. Its kinda sad because i liked it alot
Sounds like a good plan!
Greatly useful.
In my experience it's 18k gold per hour cuz there's lots of bots and farmers and heavy callous drop chance is very low about 0.02 percent and sometimes u get unlucky by rng and get like 8 heavy per hour. Silvermoon is the worst server in the world for farming
Guardian Druid is so much fun. You fell indestructible 😀
That place crowded 24/7..
Your item epic??
That is one of my fav spots
Thanks as always Solheim! Great. Video. Love that you are doing a guide, and that you aren’t over-selling it. Love to give back as you have put a lot into this. (Figure you save me $$ making gold to buy tokens. So, yeah….def gonna give you some back. Appreciate ya!)
With I lvl 160, no legendary its only 21k/h
nice vid are u swedish?
i have been doing this farm for 2 weeks on a fresh level 60 with boe gear … but in 2 weeks i have gotten 0 epics … now i wonder do u need to be on a certain campaign quest or something else in order to get epic boe?
remember 3k heavys..i do