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Macros can be an important part of World of Warcraft, and this video summarizes and explains my most used macros. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.
0:00 Intro
1:00 Mouseover
3:26 Cursor
4:35 Focus Target
5:26 Cancel Spell Queue
6:58 Mouseover Assist
7:56 Talent Conditions
8:31 Other Useful Macros
Mouse over for heals and offence? What do you even have targeted?
Great video first person who really make a nice tutorial for macros.
You can use #show instead of typing out showtooltip. Saves charectors for complex macros that go over the limit
You can also use help harm macros to cast a heal on target if friendly, or cast it on target of target if not. Same with damaging abilities as a healer. This means you can always pump damage or healing without needing to swap targets between tank and enemys
Subbing to your channel now. This is absolutely amazing as well as many of your recent videos. I only sub to a few channels so this is a big deal. Love your videos!
/cast [harm, exists, form:2] Swipe; [harm, exists, form:1] Swipe;Entangling Roots
I use this type of macro for my form abilities. Changes on target swap, so if you have a friendly targeted you can cast heals etc even though you are in form. You can use your main keybinds for catweaving/boomboxing without screwing over your heal binds this way.
Works well for mouseover too.
Great to have maul, rake, swiftmend and mouseover swiftmend on the same button. Saves a lot of keybinds on any class, but especially druid.
Hope this helps someone
i been playing this game for 15 years and had NO IDEA you can leave a macro name blank by pressing spacebar. wtf
Good Voice here man
Thank you so much!!! So helpful!!!!
Hey growl,
Really awesome explanation on macros!
Got a question, what is the addons for your cursor to see the cast bar ring?
Really like to have that 🙂
Goodluck ingame!
Hey growl, may you do a detailed video abput your keybinds and what spells you binded to which keys? Thanks!
How do we get the raid frames with CDs attached to the left?
i feel the macro system is outdated and Blizzard should rework it. have never played any other mmo so i dont have anything to compair with but there's alot of improvements and changes i could think of
pff, mouseover is the only macro a healer needs.
Nostromo, a razer mouse,, and gnome sequencer enhanced. Done.
assist is more common in rbg's but definitely useful for M+ healing as well.
Im healing since TBC, and i never understand why would want to use mouseover, im already clicked on my new target when the GCD finished… need to plan ahead and i dont want to sacrifice the manual feeling for 0.001 sec efficiency. Im always think tanking is responsibility, healing is work and dps is fun, and without clicking or target keybind i would feel like a bot.
what about the /cast uninstall shitlands macro?
I only have 1 macro on one character that has speech bubble. My Warlock's Soulwell also says "grab a healthstone" because sometimes people don't notice it.
"…for warrior stances"
Whos going to tell him?
#showtooltip Bear Form
/cast [nostance:1] Bear Form
/cast [mod:ctrl,stance:1,@mouseover,exists][mod:ctrl,stance:1] Wild Charge
Create a macro for each form and replace the relevant numbers/spells. You get instance wild charge in any form you want.
Hey growl, i am new to wow and want to make a macro for example for penance. that when i mouseover a party member it casts penance on them, but when i dont mouseover them it will still dmg my current target. is that possible ? hope you know what i mean 😉