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Leave a comment under the video that you are watching right now and below this one: I will draw the winner that will recive EU Wow Token on November 14th.
Why is knothide leather in demand ?
every single video like this destroys that farm.
15g per leather kinda worth it on a side farrm ( price on us server 18/10/2020)
Wait this isnt stubben… lol uh oh
this got nerfed I believe, the mobs drop patches instead of the full leathers now ?
waht are you talking?? i thougt my english is ba, but u… all i hear: smsmsmmsmsmsmssmmsm, blblbllbblbl, bottom, ok, mlmlmlml
How is this profitable? In your screenshots the knothide leather is worth about 9 Gold and you need 5x to make Heavy which is only worth 33gold. 9×5 is 45 my friend. Or did I forget something? 😀
Great videos, continue doing more =D
10 runs averaged about 60 Knothide Leather each. Also, the Darkmoon Firewater doesn't increase skinning speed anymore – only attack power.
Сейчас проверим
heavy … ~140 per my realm
No entendi ni verga pero gran video
what kind of server are u on with those prices ?!?!?!
What is the addon on the left side (where you put the mats) called? I've been looking for something like that.
11 gold ea on my realm 🙁
50k per hour, lets go
Trying right now i hope it at least makes me 20k/hr that would be enough too.
Still the best gold farmings are found on this channel
great guide as always zaiif, been watching your videos ever since i got back into wow (m trying to farm enough gold for the token lol)
the mobs dont respawn when i reset instance
Didnt kill anything but the bats and wolves like in the video, when i went back in, nothing respawned?
Is this a Rawgold farm?
deffo not hitting those numbers on sales here, might be my server (chambers of aspects). might give it a shot on my good ol' Draenor server
Anyone had a problem of the mobs in here disappearing before you can skin them all? They all disappear within 30 seconds of aoeing them down
I have use the darkmoon firewater as well, but for each run I only got like 600 leather instead of 1.2K leather as the video, did the method get nerfed or something I done wrong?
it's only 5 gold on my realm lmao
nice video, easy to follow!
Just a tip: music is too loud compared to your vioce. Some things I could barely understand.
Do I have to seel it on the AH or just to a vendor? Great video BTW