7 Day Ban To Much For This? World Of Warcraft

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23 thoughts on “7 Day Ban To Much For This? World Of Warcraft”

  1. Our guild was forced to change our name back in retail wrath, our guild name was <Men Are Pigs> 😀 But when our leader wouldn't change it, one night it just was changed into <Mana Pigs> by Blizzard 😂

  2. What someone said in the chat is right.
    It's all because it's an RP server. I remember reading the lil thicc manual from classic back in the day and it mentioned even putting titles in your name like Kingholstead is against the rules.

  3. I've had this issue before. 100% chance this isn't his first time naming his toon something crude. It's probably his 30th. They have asked me to change my name 3 times and it's not been a big deal.


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