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i got a 4 day ban for being named "blackperson"
I got a 24 hour suspension for being named “Superwet” just gonna put normal names from now on
"you're so troll", nono, "you're so stupid you got a 7 day ban"
and that's all
legit 7 days ban, this is not the end of the world.
I got flagged for a name change for bobtheknob and I changed it back to bobtheknob again and it never got flagged after
Probably not his first offense.
its ramps up, i got 4 for elunesn*pple
You go out of ur way to give yourself a dumpster name, then wonder why you get banned 😂 and in a RP server where they enforce naming rules
Not me on HC with the name “ipeewhite” waiting to be reported and flagged. :,) 1 day prob
Who cares TBH I’ve seen way worse that ppl don’t get reported for
banned for that, but griefers aren't banned…
Our guild was forced to change our name back in retail wrath, our guild name was <Men Are Pigs> 😀 But when our leader wouldn't change it, one night it just was changed into <Mana Pigs> by Blizzard 😂
What someone said in the chat is right.
It's all because it's an RP server. I remember reading the lil thicc manual from classic back in the day and it mentioned even putting titles in your name like Kingholstead is against the rules.
i got banned for two days for fatwomeneww
I've had this issue before. 100% chance this isn't his first time naming his toon something crude. It's probably his 30th. They have asked me to change my name 3 times and it's not been a big deal.
Name reports can have nothing to do with the name itself. The game is controlled by mass reports. You can get people banned or name changed if you report them enough.
Well, blizzard banned some dude for not renaming his pet. Because they think keeping the name gorilla for a gorilla is racist.
I got a 24 hour ban for autofellatio lol
Ah, to be a virgin teenager that thought a name like that was cool.
Why is the old Undead model so good compared the one in retail? wtf Blizzard have made Undead unplayable in retail because the model is mega bot
I remember being 12 y.o and coming up with names like that.. Hope it not a grown ass man
THIS IS A CHRISTIAN GAME SO NO SWEARING! I said "fuck i suck at this" 6 day ban so its official WOW is now OFF MY RADAR!
I'm com b& for yel[ling "Pussy" at a gnome who ran from me, it's literally pathetic the state of the game now