8 Things I Wish I Knew When Starting WoW PvP & Arena

Read more about Shadowlands โžœ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Getting ready for WoW PvP in Shadowlands will be quite the task for new players, so I decided to share some of the tips I wish I knew prior to starting PvP & Arena in World of Warcraft. I will be covering how to record your own gameplay, recommending streamers that are experts on various classes, as well as offering resources to gather information on desired stats. I also offer guides on for improving your UI as well as various PvP addons that should improve your overall awareness. Check the links below for the information discussed in this video. Thank you for your time!

Patreon Vod Review:

Finding Partners โ€“ Discord:

Recording Software:
OBS โ€“ https://obsproject.com/
Nvidia Shadowplay โ€“ https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/shadowplay/

Loot District:

Live Stream (M-W-F 12PM PST):

Class Streamers:
Warlock โ€“

Mage โ€“

Priest โ€“
Discipline Priest

Shadow Priest

Warrior โ€“
https://www.twitch.tv/nalipls (taking a break)

Monk โ€“
Mistweaver Monk

Windwalker Monk

Hunter โ€“

Shaman โ€“
Restoration Shaman

Enhancement Shaman

Elemental Shaman

Rogue โ€“

Paladin โ€“
Holy Paladin

Retribution Paladin

Druid โ€“
Restoration Druid

Balance Druid

Feral Druid

Death Knight โ€“

Demon Hunter โ€“

UI Videos:

Addon Videos:

Omnibar Addon (Set up video):


47 thoughts on “8 Things I Wish I Knew When Starting WoW PvP & Arena”

  1. I never rage on my teammates but sometimes on fae mages who lick pillars too hard and then get into their pods when I donโ€™t have enough burst to finish them. Am I toxic? ๐Ÿ˜…

  2. theres no where to find people to play with, ive joined multiple discords, and I've even joined yours, and theres still no one willing to grow as a team. everyone wants quick matches and get to 2400 in 2 days.

  3. Hello. Question not necessarily for you Stoopzz but if your followers could answer me too that would be great.

    My goal is to get the replica field marshal armour.

    What steps do i need to take in order to achieve this goal?

    I have done normal bg's before where i just queue up and go into it with loads of random people and that is my limited experiance with pvp.

    Any help or pointers that will help me achieve my goal would be great. Thanks for reading.

  4. By far the most valuable content I have ran across for pvp in Shadowlands. As soon as you mentioned the compiled list of streamers… wow that was helpful because I do not know who to even begin watching! Thanks Stoopz!

  5. If you see this, I recommend Bicmex's stream and YouTube channel for those that like playing a Survival hunter. He makes it work very very well, and has helped many of us Survival's climb the ladder.

  6. Hey man, my old roommate mentioned I had a doppelganger, and I agree. We look almost the same. I even have the freckle next to my nose. Do with that information what you will.

  7. I'll be honest. I'm sometimes toxic but that's only because I'm a resto druid. when a ret pala pops wings and I use every cd I have I can still die instantly if he hits me and he doesn't even need to interrupt. so ye that's sometimes upsetting. no idea if other healing classes also have this problem. I have 32% vers and playing at 1.5 but it still happens. same with monks btw

  8. Fuck pvp in this game if your fresh lvl60 forget about competing in pvp at all its all about your charecters items no skill involved they should make evry one gear level the same same states so its fair about skill in wow pvp just ding lvl 60 and want to pvp you are getting 1 shot by players that have better gear than you no skill all items

  9. LFG is almost paralyzing for most players. They have automated the social aspects so much for convenience that people refuse to communicate and meet people. This just creates a terrible cycle of sitting in LFG for some players. They need to make some sort of solo que system where you rank is a lesser goal and dosnt promote a "win" as much as good team play and learning environments.

  10. Well about watching other ppl on twitch is kinda hard to learn from, in most games that is true but with wow were ppl make macros and use same icon for 4skills in his bars and everywhere "?icon" and all have there own binds. Its kinda hard to learn from but some use the addon that show all the skills they use, which makes it better but then again only a very few do it.

  11. I got up to 2200 and my healer that i found in pug decided to take a break with wow, and now its impossible to find another healer, people leave after 1 mistake, not even kidding you can make a single mistake and they will ragequit, that is unfortunetly 80% of the people you will find in pug

  12. You play with what the broken af fottm class/spec or you will be stuck at 1800….it's just how wow is now

    Other top players that got 2400 with rbgs not arena arena sucks actually.

  13. Hello, I am a very shy girl and I am always thinking bad of my play in pvp. After this video I decided to give the LFR tool a try. I was very honest. No rating this saison, bad gear. I wrote I was looking for a suicide DD, in good, but mostly bad times to play with. I am a pala heal btw.

    A got the attention of a good geared DK. We are laughing a lot, playing 2h each day together now. He is a great supporter.

    He did not know anything about my pvp ratings years ago. He just looked for a funny heal mate to play with.

    I wish everyone to find such a cool mate.

    Thx a lot for this video!

  14. I like pvp but im the kind of player who dont want too much stuff on my screen at the same time cause i lost myself a lot and im focusing so much on one thing that i wont be aware of the surrounding in game since im gonna focus too much on the addon any tips or idea like a good pvp screen with like 3 to 4 addon ?

  15. i wish i knew it was so much luck based …thank god for games like Bloodline champions or Bloodrite where all these luck elements have been removed fully…after you play genuine 100 % skill based pvp games you just cant go back to WoW ๐Ÿ™‚ and saying skill in game where macros are all that play in game without players actually having to manual use abilities says a LOT ๐Ÿ™‚ oh im in bear form let me do the 5 combo thing that i would have to click but now i have macro for it so hey…one click and all done ๐Ÿ™‚ talk about making players worst and worst as wow progressed…no wonder they had to nerf Classic fully in order to suit todays standards as far as average skill goes ..meaning..movement,awarness ,reaction…using macros aint skill unless you imagine being drived in ferrari and thinking you are the one driving ๐Ÿ™‚ but hey…thats also fun ๐Ÿ™‚ sory for being so honest but in short to the genuine pvp players wow is more or less at best…mediocre…and this is me being polite..


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