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In this guide I go over how elemental shaman now works with the Shadowlands changes during the pre-patch. Once shadowlands comes out there will be another guide since things will obviously change with legendaries, conduits, etc.
0:00 Intro
0:26 Talents
15:29 Echoing Shock + Stormkeeper Single Target
17:20 Single Target Rotation
27:33 AoE rotation part 1
28:20 Echoing Shock + Stormkeeper AoE
29:23 AoE rotation part 2
30:35 Stat Priority
32:29 Essences
33:12 Outro
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#prepatch #elemental#guide
Still updating them over time, so if you visit the page at a later time you'll probably see a few changes.
what pot are you using now, int or fury?
Static discharge was tossed aside by a lot of people, even me, when I first saw it. I was playing with it in pre-patch yesterday and my mind started rolling about how in the world it could possibly be useful….
Then I was thinking about how the Elemental Equilibrium legendary would interact with it. Turns out, IT IS INCREDIBLY GOOD FOR PVP. It will be the WORST TALENT FOR PVE. But for Arena/PvP. It's AMAZING.
Static Discharge and Elemental Equilibrium synergize together VERY well with Primordial Wave + Echoing Shock + Lava Burst
Earthen Rage, for example, proc’s the fire damage buff from EE every time it does nature damage so I would assume that Static discharge would do the same with all of it’s hits. 6 hits over 3 seconds.
I was thinking about how Echoing Shock will duplicate the damage of Stormkeeper but only on the first cast because the buff disapears on the second cast and then echoing shock will duplicate the lightning bolt but it will be a normal damage lightning bolt.
This means that Echoing Shock takes into account the buffs you have before duplicating the spell. Which gave me an idea about how Static Discharge could ACTUALLY be useful.
Elemental Blast and Echoing Shock will eat all of your buffs from EE to buff their damage, making it impossible to use EE to buff your cast AFTER echoing shock as it would clear all of your EE damage buffs.
So if you want to use EE to buff an Echo’d Lava Burst, you theoretically can’t because Echoing Shock will duplicate the nature spell you use before you can use Lava Burst.
This is where Static Discharge comes in.
Static discharge DOES NOT trigger Echoing Shock but it DOES give you the EE fire damage buff…
6 times… over 3 seconds…
3 seconds is plenty of time to Cast a Lava Burst (even with Control of Lava?) buff the first Lava Burst by 30%, and then the buff should theoretically be refreshed BEFORE the Echo’d Lava Burst is released. Esentially giving you two 30% buffed damage Lava bursts from ONE CAST. This MAY ALSO WORK with Primordial Wave’s duplicated Lava Burst as well. Please test it out 😛
Thanks for the video!
if your going to play a shaman in shadowlands play elemental enhance is bottom tier right now even if buffed it will be middle of the pack.
Bro whats that shield are u using? Transmog? it looks so cool
And thanks for the info! amazing
What's the point of "weaving" the frost shock ? You still have a 1s GCD when you cast the lava burst instant proc. So you can't do weave.
So it's just a regular cast, no "weaving" in that. I think you don't know what weaving means. Weaving is doing "something" which will skip the animation and allow you to gain dps without loss.
Usually it's done with an auto attack, it's quite popular in Asian MMORPGS.
Here that's just buffing your frost shock with Lavaburst. No weaving in that.
this build isnt as good as the storm ele build numbers wise at all
Great guide, very useful rotation explanation. Really loving how Elemental is playing at the moment. Nice mixture of depth and simplicity.
Good video, thank you
Losing 2x 20% dmg on stormkeeper echoshock combo for not using master of the elements with it
I love elemental, but i find all the talents below the last 2 tiers except for Echoing Shock to be really underwhelming as far as an elemental shaman should "feel" (in my own opinion). Liquid Magma and Wind Rush are cool cos they're totems that feel like they do something active. Icefury is nice, but feels out of place.
Also i wish they'd do something more fun with Chain Lightning… It's the most iconic shaman spell and the animation is like a floppy penis and feels about just as powerful.
Are you sure to keep trying to apply flame shock on each target on AOE rotation is worth ? It seems pretty hard to do it on an efficient way
I mean I feel like keeping up flameshock, and try go get lavaburst instant to empowered the next earthquake is less benefical than spamming chain lightning (just a supposition I need to test it)
Also you missed the Fire Elemental at the pull, when do you think is the best moment to cast it ? Macro on POT + Elemental ?
Great vid, appreciated your vision (hard to come back from MOP)
This was such am amazingly helpful video, you've helped me pick my main. Thank you so very much – subscribed and liked !!!
guessing they nerfed the 3 lightning bolts, i can only do 2
Having switched from the demolock, I have been in love with shaman and the elem spec so far. The brain-dead rotation of the demolock got me sleepy and bored 2 min in a fight, but the elem now is so much fun. Theere is a lot of thinking about which spell to buff and which not. The rotation is just so engaging and this compexity actually feels rewarding as far as numbers. At least, in the prepatch
After playing FFXIV the classes in this game look so boring. At least you have more than three buttons now?
19:30 You're doing
StormKeeper -> LavaBurst(LB) -> FlameShock (FS) -> EchoingShock(ES) -> LightingBolt (LB) -> LB
Why don't you cast a LavaBurst between the two lightningbolts empowered by stormkeeper ? it will boost the second instant lighting shock
StormKeeper -> (LB) -> (FS) -> (ES) -> (LB) -> LAVABURST HERE -> LB
It also permits you with this additional lavaburst to wait the time that LB is duplicated by echoing shock
i hav the same ilvl than u and i doing 4.2k dps sustain with out ice fury. hmm dont know why u say that build its better…..(sry for my english)
Great guide thank you
Hi, sorry I might have missed it, but let's say I'm doing the opening rotation single target. I will do Stormkeeper, Lava, Flameshock, Echo, lightning bolts and do I after that immediately use my Icefury? Or when is it the best time to add it except for when movement is needed? Thank you, awesome guide btw 🙂
Best Ele guide ive seen by far.
Sick video ! what is the transmog called you got in the video :O <3 love it!!