Mistakes that Dragonflight Should Avoid, that Shadowlands Made !

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It’s no secret that World of Warcraft Dragonflight already has more hype than WoW Shadowlands had. Warcraft has had its ups and downs over the years but there are mistakes that WoW Dragonflight should try to avoid, from Gameplay to WoW Lore and narrative.

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16 thoughts on “Mistakes that Dragonflight Should Avoid, that Shadowlands Made !”

  1. Ehhhh, systems are a dev/game designer thing; storylines are more of a writer thing, I'd think. Unless the writers were pulled into writing stuff for the systems, I'd expect that systems wouldn't affect story and vice versa.

  2. one of the greatest sins of WoW was the death of Arthas on ICC. Jaina should of been there. Even it was tping in at the end. They should of given Laura Bailey a moment to take Jaina and remember what was, and ponder about what could of been, and tear our hearts open as Jaina grieves for the man she once cared so deeply fore.

  3. I mean I agree that it's good that they're going back to simpler, tried and true methods, exploring the world and no convoluting systems. It's good. The problem is that it comes something like 8 – 10 years late. This feedback (and so many other) was given so many years ago. They didn't listen. The game could be totally different, even way better, but yet here we are, finally. Good, but damn.

    And by the way, call me jaded, but I'm not celebrating yet. We'll see. Shadowlands looked great at launch and before, and even 1 – 2 months in. I know, I was there. So we'll see. Dragonflight could still poop the bed somehow.

  4. Love all 3 of your choices for a series especially Illidan. He had such a long life training in arcane, attempting to train with cenarus as an actual student, leading the moon guard, seeing deathwing attack the dragons and then the might elfs before joining the legion to try and get them from the inside. And everything 10000 years later we learn in game with him

  5. Live-action Arthas origin mini-series w/ Cavall lead. Built-in love interest. Conflict w being a prince and paladin. Trying to live up to Uther's unblemished character. Eventual downfall. Recreating the iconic scene with the bell and the stabbing. Come on. Story is digestible for a wider audience. Ez pz.

  6. It's just my personal opinions in this but I think it would have been good if they made Shadowlands a pre Story Gossip a legendary Whispers but did it really exist or not. Like with Bfa Wrathion said he was looking for the Dragon isle. Plus it did feel rushed. In all likelihood they did Shadowlands and left it to Rot on Day 1 then they were focusing all on the Dragon Isle. They should have invested in the Story of Shadowlands. Both Before the expansion ever came out all with a Pre Story about it and the way to make the story for it when it went live. Plus they should have Done a Wow Move starting based on the Beginning event of the War of the Ancients and go on from it as well to Wrath of the Lichking The Story of how Arthas Began untill his Tragic End.

  7. It's the common course of action for Blizz. They start storylines, but then something about the xpac systems or pace or both will ruin the expansion, and Blizz panic and rush away from the expansion therefor leaving its storylines behind in the process. WoD was the first big obvious example and they repeated it in Shadowlands.

  8. How to start a warcraft show

    Young Jaina at 10 comes into class late escorted by a knight in shiney armor. She worries she will get scolded for being late. Uther calms her and opens the door.

    And the history lesson starts.

  9. My biggest gripes with shadowlands was the utter butchering of Arthas. I will never forgive them for disrespecting one of the best villains and reasons for their success.


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