9.1 Resto Shaman OR Holy Priest BETTER HEALER?!?!? Shadowlands 2v2 Arena (By Multi Rank 1 Healer)

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BEST Healers to play !? || Shadowlands PvP || 2v2 Priest and Shaman (By multi rank1 healer)

Please come hang out in stream and ask any questions or feel free to play with me… Join the discord community for notifications as to when I go live with viewer arenas or rbgs 😀 https://discord.gg/GPKyaggEtd

Enjoy and thank you for all the support!

00:00 Elesham/HPriest
00:20 BM/Resto
01:00 WW/HPriest
03:18 Rog/Mage
04:54 Rog/Disc
05:54 WW/Disc
07:45 Rog/Mage
08:41 Arms/Resto
10:57 Rog/Mage
11:51 Outro

Go give some love to Jacob on his social media!


3 thoughts on “9.1 Resto Shaman OR Holy Priest BETTER HEALER?!?!? Shadowlands 2v2 Arena (By Multi Rank 1 Healer)”

  1. So who would you prefer? I am struggling now if i should play my shaman or druid with my friend (he's playing warrior) i like them both, maybe shaman a bit more because we can play some 3s as double dmg premade (ele+warr / enha +warr w healer)
    But we mostly play 2s. What do you think is easier to climb ladder with? Rsham or rdruid?

    Thank you very much!


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