Savix React to 9.1 Shadowlands with Claak

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#shadowlands #9.1 #savix
Edited by Arzondir
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42 thoughts on “Savix React to 9.1 Shadowlands with Claak”

  1. i would like to point out that league of legends literally have 2 playable maps and everyone has like 2 actual abilities. sure one of them is probably a stun and one of the other is probably a utility whatever who cares.

    WoW needs to have LESS fucking BGs and better balancing for BGs. easier to learn classes and a LOWER SKILL FLOOR for pvp.

    trust me. your opinion is objectively that of somebody who's played way too much wow. have you ever tried to teach somebody how to PvP in wow? it's literally hell.

  2. do you want to be reminded why "fun and exciting random ass battle ground on flying boats" is NOT a good idea in an old ass game in WoW? game's too old. that shit might work pretty well in a modern game engine or in PubG but shit's just going to constantly break in WoW and we're not going to have fun because


    you didn't even PvP in these battlegrounds. you just PvE. tell me honestly do you even like silvershard mines? do you like azerite collection map? be fucking honest. nobody fucking like those maps.

  3. “Fix the LFG system. It’s literally the core entrance to end game. And yet people are rampantly boosting in arenas, carrying M+ runs, and Mythic Raid clears; and nothing happens to those who are reported via your “advertisement” report option. Choreghast is just that: a chore. Stop wasting resources on it.

    Activision is being greedy and just prolonging the inevitable; the death of my childhood MMORPG.” – This is what I commented on their survival guide a few days back, (After I “SMASHED” that dislike button, of course).

    Savix, you give the devs too much credit with a high 7 rating. Most of us are in line with Claak with that 4. But the dev’s lack of attention to the actual end game content is getting ridiculous.

  4. idk man , me and most of my friends have really been enjoying the game , not gonna say its perfect cause i dont believe there is a perfect game or system, but overall ive really been enjoying it so far and am really exited about the new patch also loving the content dood , keep it up 😀

  5. I will say this about mailing classes.

    If you main a mage you will never have to worry about not being valuable in anything since there will never be a point where all 3 specs are bad. Its either 2 or all of them.

    Always have options… or just role arms since it has always been solid since the dawn of time for pvp 🤷‍♂️

  6. why they just dont add gem sockets how it was back in tbc/wotlk etc and old scool entchants, i mean i love to costom my gear but not with these cringe systems, give the game some old flavers back and t think ppl will like it more then these systems (sorry for bad english^^)

  7. The moba idea is only a good idea if blizzard aren't creating it – Blizzard Devs don't even play WoW let alone Moba's, we've already seen there knowledge at work in that regard… 😀

  8. the problem with wow are this systems they keep making and nobody wants, why do you think the patch took them so long to releace? because they think they need to create new "tallents" , rework and reballance all this trash that in the end is just a wast of time both for the devs and the players.
    Blizzard should just go back to the systems we had in Cata/MOP that were simple and fair (justice/valor and honor/conquest) and the rest was just gear, gems and enchants done, they even have a good example of how much people like that just by looking how well received the pvp venders were.

  9. im gonna give 9.1 a shot, mostly out of curiosity and good faith but to be completely honest, i wouldnt do it if it werent for the fact that i already have a current sub because of tbc and i fear a lot of people are in a similar position like me and i dont wanna sound needlessly melodramatic but for me and my friends, we´re on our last leg concerning retail wow, we´ve been around since wotlk so it would certainly be a pain to leave years of memories and experience behind but we just cant take it anymore, wow doesnt need all these shitty systems, tbc proofs that, classic proofed it too in a way, its just not healthy to put so many things into an mmo just to give an artificial feeling of progress or trying to keep people busy for 0.00001% dmg increases, the best shot they could take at this point in our oppinion is to scrap everything point blank, make the classes just work baseline, dont add any systems and just let us have items as our state of power with rng dmg increases reduced to a minimum

  10. Don’t you guys get it? You shouldn’t HAVE TO swap to whatever class is “meta” to enjoy the game… blizzard has 0 respect for your time and you blatantly accept it. How about make the classes good and stop continually fucking with them because you didn’t test them well enough?? You shouldn’t have to have one of every class max level and swap between “mains” to enjoy the game. It’s sad that you just accept this bullshit as “ok”

  11. I quit SL 3 months after it's release but having a lot of fun reliving OG versions 😛 and can't wait for Wrath!

    so I can be happy with my prot/ret paladin again ever since the end of mop when i was last happy with it Loved Wrath, Cata, and MoP Paladins good times stopped having interested in Paladin from WoD and Onward

    edit: IDC how OP they get I hate the gameplay it's become to each their own on that crap.

  12. I wanna be hyped for the new patch and keep playing shadowlands but most of my friends I would do dungeons,raids and pvp with have quit already.

  13. Savix hit the nail on the head. Legion was best because it was focused around PvE and PvP. That is what WoW players like to play. If players want a roguelike experience, they will play a different game for a while. Not torghast.

  14. 3:00 I don't think they are giving us a lot. This expac has chores but compared to others, theybaren't really mandatory. They just have to make the content actually engaging instead of stuff that is boring, no body wants and just ends up becoming chores.

    13:35 "If it doesn't affect pve, they don't care." Cries as m+ player. All they care about is raid.


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