9.2.5 NEW CLASS CHANGES! Will This Change The META? Windwalker Buffs, Destruction Nerfs & More – WoW

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2.5 Shadowlands Eternity’s End class changes video. I cover all of the latest PvE class changes announced with patch 9.2.5 release. I also predict the new possible mythic plus (M+) meta that could emerge in the next few weeks.

Disclaimer: Playing the class that you enjoy the most is the best value for WoW subscription.

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00:00 Intro & Disclaimer
00:40 9.2.5 Class Changes
13:21 Summary and M+ Meta Predictions

Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

External Sources
Subcreation analyzes leaderboards and logs from World of Warcraft: https://subcreation.net/
Season 3 M+ class leaderboards: https://raider.io/mythic-plus-rankings/season-sl-3/all/world/leaderboards-strict
Best raid classes: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/29#dataset=75
Upcoming Class Tuning Coming in Patch 9.2.5 – Tank Threat Buffs, Beast Mastery, Windwalker and Arms Buffs: https://www.wowhead.com/news/upcoming-class-tuning-coming-in-patch-9-2-5-tank-threat-buffs-beast-mastery-327190

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26 thoughts on “9.2.5 NEW CLASS CHANGES! Will This Change The META? Windwalker Buffs, Destruction Nerfs & More – WoW”

  1. Just my opinion but i think in therms of balance it's a endless cycle of work. When you play a Class u should can support yourself and your Team with your spells. I mean when u play a Tank u should give Immunities. When u go dps u buff and debuff and as a healer u support heal and give dmg reduktion. I just say… it's my opinion. Sry for my bad english 😉

  2. unholy should be slightly buffed for aoe. Yeah, we are great at this, but we should get a minor buff on this. Our aoe isnt instant burst like frost, we climb the dps until we are topping, but if things take longer to die after we went through DT+UB+DnD+SS spam, we go down faster than Usain Bolt runs at 100 meters.

    i dont know, maybe remove Unholy Blight or Dark Transformation from GCD. They should be cast together anyways. 5% damage increase?
    something not crazy, but still need

  3. From Wow Head: "Developers’ notes: For (Resto) Shaman, we want to address some of the big swing moments created by Vesper Totem and Chain Harvest, but compensate them with more sustained healing, damage and mitigation." This should have been done in PvE months ago (another 33% nerf to those insanely OP Borrowed powers).

  4. All of a sudden I really like this video. 🙂

    Just speaking on MW I really like the play style and healing output but I do feel they just beed a flat dps increase.

    The amount of work I do to weave dps in with a MW is way more than my Priest or Shaman and the return is FAR less. 🙁

  5. i would not call it a buff but i dont rly like how priest is played atm, im an og priest player but i rly hate the new single target build, im happy that hpriest is now meta but the playstyle is so boring

  6. My priest healer is also running faeries so he alternates pi on the sv hunter for aoe pulls and pi to me on my demo lock for st pulls. And with his faeries we always have cds ready. It's amazing.

  7. Wow Healers need a serious look at damage output (healing is pretty balanced, but damage is wildly misaligned). Mistweaver and Resto Druid both struggle to do enough damage to be an asset to an M+ group. HPS is high in raids, but in M+ isn't super critical. There is a base of HPS you need but the real value of shaman and Holy priest is coming from significant damage output. Mistweaver SCK needs a big buff (like 100% while EF is up or something), and I'd like to see balance spec'd resto druid get some love (Could easily double Moonfire/Starfire damage and still be weak damage). I know the highest players can make it work with kitty weave/swarm, but we do need to look at what % of the population is LFG for M+ and stop tuning to the uber elite players.

  8. The balance issue is that warlocks in mythic+ are only brought if they are the top dps spec for m+.

    I say this because I main warlock for the past twelve years, and the only times I had an easy time pugging keys was back in Legion when Aff was king and now with Destro. Even at the end of BFA when Destro was cranking higher in the raid than the all powerful Fire Mage, I had 3k IO and couldn't get into groups. Warlocks are fundamentally bad for m+ because of their toolkit, they need the high dps for m+ to be viable there.

  9. No prot pally buffs? I need something to help with the backpain.

    On a serious note though, since there's pvp multipliers, I'd want blizzard to buff classes quicker even if it's wrong to do it.

    EDIT: Buff mistweavers and also make night fae "viable" as faeline stomp is too gorgeous to not use.

  10. Looking at that 0.8% ret. Id say they really need to be looked at.
    Can definitly do damage, both AoE and ST. But not enough it seems.
    The toolkit is good but, guess its not enough

  11. Thank you for the content – great job – I'm very happy they are giving a big buff to WW single target – I have stayed with WW through the tough times because I like it's movement and just enjoy playing it.


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