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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2.5 & 9.2.7 Shadowlands Eternity’s End Season 4 best mythic plus class prediction ranking video. This video looks at season 3 class data in order to make a prediction tier list for best tanks, healers and DPS specs. I use real player information to highlight the emerging M+ meta.
Disclaimer: Playing the class that you enjoy the most is the best value for WoW subscription.
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00:00 What is NEW in Season 4
00:45 Season 4 Class Changes (Buffs & Nerfs)
11:15 Season 4 M+ Prediction Tier List (Tanks – DPS – Healers)
19:12 Summary
Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
External Sources
Subcreation analyzes leaderboards and logs from World of Warcraft:
Season 3 M+ class leaderboards:
Shadowlands Season 4 Class Changes:
Season 3 Class Raid Performance:
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Zero Healer Changes 😠
But the nerf is so little they will be still Meta and op…
More in-depth Season 4 healer balance video:
No druid change whyyyyy
Searing Nightmare buffs BLEHHHH
Wish they changed DH to use the hunt again. Sinful brand is annoying.
I had a blast with MW in Legion. It's odd that it's consistently bottom of the barrel for so many years so I really only have Rdruid to play since I don't like the playstyle of the others.
Absolutely the best person to watch for people who play more causally. Let’s you know what matters to the Heroic raid/M15 player and what matters to the people clear mythic raids and +30s.
When I first got into m+, it took a while before I realized the only ability I use is searing nightmare. 3+ targets. It's such a lame ability.
I remember when disc priest was looking to be really strong in M+ during shadowlands beta, it got instantly nerfed before launch and never looked at again…
Would have loved some Disc buffs. I struggle to deal with certain mechanics in keys without blowing every cooldown I have while holy just falls asleep and casts heal.
With the new seasonal affix versatility being nerfed. What is the best choice for a resto shaman now?
Main as a Mistweaver love how they don’t show us any love for Mythic content and starting play Holy Priest enjoying it but I haven’t done any mythic yet with Holy Priest.
Thank you Mad. Then, no many changes. Bad news for me 😅
I wonder if Blizz only buffed mind seer for shadow priests. Coz if it also is buffed for disc he might become one of the strongest since even now he isn't that much worse than holy
il be playing ele shaman.
Please for the love of god give some love to balance Druid it’s so sad in the current state
now Night Fae H Priest might be better cause you can reduce your Destro's Infernal CD
With season 4 affix, spriest and Ele sham will take the spot light
if numbers say that searing nightmare does the most damage, Spriest becomes the most brain dead spec to play in m+. that's why everybody hates this talent
no havoc buffs? sinful brand is just annoying and still not great ST dps and AoE is just crap out of a 4 min cd 2 and 4 set is just bad lol and there call this game balance 🤣
Bring rdruid back to bfa !!!
Mages need a big buff overall. I play frost mage and it's stupid how much weaker it feels
Searing nightmare is bad. If you don’t have enough insanity you can’t use it. You need to hit a second button to actually use it while kind searing. And while your trying to hit that second button you then have mind blast procs at the same time to deal with
Very disappointed only tank change was slight survivability increase, and no dps changes, and Holy priest not getting any nerf is a big oversight
I like searing nightmare only to the extent that it is an aoe spender, it's not a good or fun one, but I think it would feel worse to not have an aoe spender
This is the first time Holy priest have been meta in like… ever sooo Sorry not sorry. Also been playing holy since classic, i feel like i've paid my dues. It's so freaking nice to not hear "Are you disc?" omg. Still worried about us in DF since we wont have FC leggo.
No changes for ret or feral are you KIDDING me!? Eff it I'm playing ret anyways idk if I'm bottom of the barrel eff you Blizz.
So what I’m hearing from this video is that Beast Master Hunter is the bestest SSSS tier. Cool 👍🏼
Blizzard nerfing and buffing different classes without a single healer change leaves me very skeptical about dragonflight. They are trying to convince players that they have changed and will make more consistent changes, but yet here we are completely ignoring the most obviously needed changes to just minimally balance the specs in s4. It seems very lazy to me and I'm once again wondering… do they even play their own game in the content they're trying to improve upon
Do you not feel the removal of urh hurts preist more than it does rsham.
Garbage. Unsubscribed
Finally dude! Love the content, cheers
At least balance was really good and a top tier dps, Havoc has been shit on since the end of legion with zero work to the base class kit, and been nothing but mediocre at best!
Hunter MM hello(?)