[9.2] S3 DPS Tier-List | Mythic+ | Shadowlands

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

In case of a change, it will be published here – https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/mythic-dps-tier-list

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24 thoughts on “[9.2] S3 DPS Tier-List | Mythic+ | Shadowlands”

  1. 28:09 shows Frost DK icon…yet talking about Frost Mage
    Then, the icon disappears for the rest of the video.

    Really good points about all the classes, I appreciate the video. I did watch it at half-speed, I felt you were talking rather quickly.

  2. Curious what you think good comps will be. Is triple melee (sub, sv, fury) viable? Seems like there’d be good synergy there. And for range maybe sub, frost, ele? Or bring a dh instead for the buff? Or just a dh tank. I figured we’d be seeing a lot of pally+resto sham for tank/healer. And this is before tanking covenants into account…

  3. I don't understand why Fury goes from A tier in 9.1 to S tier in 9.2. The tier set doesn't do anything for aoe, and it's going to be a much more aoe heavy season with tormented bosses going away. It didn't gain any utility. So logically it must gain more damage than other classes to rise from A to S. But it doesn't. It's already behind frost mage and WW, and those classes will be doing about the same damage as they do now. Which even if fury got buffed and those two classes stood still it's not enough to catch up.


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