Big Problem With PvP Gear In Shadowlands – How The Vendor Works

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The PvP Gear on the Shadowlands Beta are missing several stat combinations, causing players who do not engage in Mythic + or high end Mythic Raiding to have no forms of reliable gearing. There also appears to be no forms of Resilience or PvP Power to ensure that PvP Gear would be best suited for Player vs Player combat. In the past, players used to be able to earn a full set of adequate gear through various forms of PvP; including both Battlegrounds and Arenas. And although WoW Shadowlands has attempted to revive this system, it is severely flawed and requires further tuning. Blizzard must address this issue in order to change how players acquire gear through PvP in WoW Shadowlands.

Tonton Interview:


Stoopzz Live Stream:


32 thoughts on “Big Problem With PvP Gear In Shadowlands – How The Vendor Works”

  1. The statement about not wanting gear to be confusing doesn't make ANY SENSE at all in a MMORPG. I as a feral, want VERSATILY/MASTERY for PVP and CRIT/MAS for PVE. If they don't want that to happen, can they please just make the game dull and remove off-stats all together? Why not just remove gear also then?

  2. LOL THIS is what they meant with PVP VENDORS? I thought it was gonna be what PvP players wanted, PvP gear system like on LK and Cata, with their own stats and bonuses for set…

    Blizz is a joke, thanks god I didn't bought SL yet, depending on their take on this, I won't even buy it, cause BfA is the worst expansion I've ever played when it comes down to gearing for PvP.

  3. I am playing WoW since 2006, it's a shame that people like Stoopz, Asmongold and Venruki need to explain this issue. Blizzard needs to fix this and balance atleast the PvE and PvP gear. Better if they make a PvP stat. If it's not fixed, in one way or another, I will quit WoW period.

  4. If you add a PvP specific stat, then you have the problem that you can't switch from PvP to PvE (and viceversa) without farming a completely new gear.

    Currently, you have 4 stats, crit, haste, mastery, versa = 6 stat combos (crit+haste, mastery+versa, haste+mastery ecc.)

    So here's my idea:

    – 4 stats combos per gear slot from PvP vendors

    – 3 stats combos per gear slot from M+

    – 3 stats combos per gear slot from Raids

    In this way, you can gain ~80% of your best gear by doing PvP only or PvE only respectively, and to get 100% you need to be good in both PvP and PvE (it was like this in TBC and WotLK)

    As a PvP player, I like the idea to run PvE to complete my gear so I have to play the whole aspects of the game

    And I think PvE players would like the idea to spend their Arena Points to replace a low Ilvl piece.

    Finally I would replace Versatility with a new stat, because right now is more powerful in PvP, so all 4 stats would be viable both PvE and PvP.
    Another thing is I would make both stats the same value (+70 haste +70 crit, instead of +84 haste +63 crit) to balance items and choices.

  5. How and why??? ahaha
    Did you start playing WoW fromLegion?
    Ok smaaaaal example.
    Burning Crusade and Black temple drop , lets say Warglaves and rogues with them??
    Or gear from Sunvell.

    Or WotlK and everyone who have Axe done?
    I was kiling EVERYNE in 2-3 hits.
    Like when I hear rogue next to me DS + hammer = dead, his stealts not even drop jet and he is alsredy dead.
    Yes, PvE always was matter.
    Vanila, BC, WotLK — rest expansion are alsom shit for me …
    Maybe Legion was kinda nice is SOME aspekts.

    But! Raids should be for 40 people not 25, not 20, NOT 10. 40. Best gear should be in 40 mans raid.
    Like is was fromvery begining.
    ZG it just a filler to guild who need gear.
    AQ 20 is less that AQ40. But there was always different ways.
    That is so nice when you die and someone have much better gear.
    So, you wish to get better gear.
    One day you get some of it, and YOU FELL how you become stronger! Everywhere in PeP and PvP.
    All blizard nee to do. It to tune numbers on all gear that will be in expansion.
    And again make blue drop in dungeons and raids.
    And when players get epic. That should be EPIC!!!!!
    Not like oh onother extra 50g to my pocket….

  6. not only was pvp specific stat the most balenced way of making pvp good but it was also the most reasonble grind you had to take to get that gear (unlike the RNG you would need for raid)
    it was something both new players and verterans had an easy access to, and could get the gear rdy to do bg's in a matter of a mounth or two
    and even when new gear came out. You would still be abel to feel like you were abel bash some heads, even if, you were a few weeks behind the rest

  7. Where is the discussion page for this. This is a very hot topic to me as I’ve always been a pvp player and when legion hit the game got pretty stale not that the content wasn’t there but they just ripped all the fun I had out of the game I loved doing areas,rbgs,and bgs and I’d like to do that and get currency to get my gear instead of this dumbass rng stuff

  8. PvP dies then WoW dies… I mean WoW is already on its last legs cause of how bad BFA was with Shadowlands their praying to god it brings players back to the game otherwise this could be the last xpac but just my opinion…. They started off on the right track with listening to player feedback but, seemed to have stopped..

  9. wouldn't want a "2nd" set for PVP? thats absolutely ridiculous, I haven't PVPd in recent expansions because its tricky to get gear for it, doing PVE content, but at that point I only playing PVE instead… But I already have 3 different sets of gear in my bags on my main for the ideal stats depending what spec I am, and Im fine with that.

  10. I wonder if blizzard sees videos like this and has the same kind of denial they do about negativity in their forums and their public perception. It's because you've got 7 minutes telling you how you're stupid in the nicest way and you can't even see it as a company.

  11. Honestly i was thinking about coming back, after seeing this bullshit i might aswell go back to being a irl robot. who the fck wants to raid and do dungeons if u just want to kill people. i think its bad cause now people are gonna buy way more boosts for the game, PVP players dont want to PVE. its sad but its true PVE IS boring af

  12. Good o'l Outland world pvp.

    I'll never forget the in game terror of being chased around the map by some high level Tauren.
    And that feeling of bliss when he tried to dot a druid from mid air.
    I was laughing for days when his toon went "SPLAT !!" , with the flattened corpse looking like something from an old cartoon.


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